irregular verbs 1 Infinitiveariseawakebackslidebebearbeatbecomebeginbendbetbid(farewell)bid(offeramount)bindbitebleedblowbreakbreedbringbroadcastbrowbeatbuildburnburstbustbuycastcatchchooseclingclothecomecostcreepcrossbreedcutdaydreamdealdigdisprovedive(jumphead-first)dive(scubadiving)dodrawdreamdrinkdrivedwelleatfall...
We hope you will enjoy our educational game English Irregular Verbs Test! Play and learn at the same time, education has never been such fun! 最新功能 2024年10月22日 版本6.0 * Better performance and other improvements App 私隱 開發者表明Michal Sajban的私隱慣例或包括下列資料的處理。詳情請參...
Learn infinitive, simple past and past participle forms in a timed TEST mode or in a relaxing untimed PRACTICE mode or just browse through the verbs in a BROWSE mode! Download our Irregular verbs test and become a new star in your English lesson! GAME MODES: * TEST - you have 3 minutes...
所属专辑:PET complete 猜你喜欢 8582 PET by:Bella_Guo 1.2万 PET by:万花筒互动英语KiKi 858 PET by:菡菲1001 1920 PET by:苒湫Judy 3289 2020PET by:万花筒互动英语KiKi 6039 PET_test by:李德瑄 3155 Think-PET by:Titi_要很努力 1718
Irregular Verbs'sList of English Irregular Verbscontains over 370 irregular verbs used in modern English. We also offer freeirregular verb flashcards and exercises, a printable PDF of theTop 100 Irregular Verbs, and an extended list includingrare verb forms. Just scroll down to ...
Irregular Verbs – Conjugation (2)B1 Irregular Verbs – Present Perfect QuestionsB1 Irregular Verbs – Passive Sentences (1)B1 Irregular Verbs – Text Completion (1)B1 Irregular Verbs – Passive Sentences (2)B2 Irregular Verbs – Text Completion (2)B2 ...
You can test yourself with these fun irregular verbs quizzes.V1Base FormV2Past SimpleV3Past Participle awake awoke awoken be was, were been beat beat beaten become became become begin began begun bend bent bent bet bet bet bid bid bid bite bit bitten blow blew blown break broke broken ...
Thai verbs 老師14個詞語 Kerry_Turk 預覽 Vocabulary р.1 6個詞語 Oomikami 預覽 51 12個詞語 Teacher_Dougan 預覽 Speaking test: Tea 45個詞語 thamonwan4049 預覽 skskskskkssk 9個詞語 sarisa_saidarasamut 預覽 Vocab p.3/4 109個詞語 tgj6n8mghw 預覽 Antonyms 39個詞語 kodomoouzia 預覽 Words that...
168 Irregular Verbs Test Goal: 10 Score: 0 Errors: 0 You are tested on the following Irregular Verbs - List: 1 to 10 arise - arose - arisen awake - awoke - awoken be - was,were - been bear - bore - borne,born beat - beat - beaten become - became - become begin - began ...
The summarycontains over 370 irregular verbs used in modern English. Alternate forms are separated by/. The first form listed is the most commonly used. A Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle arise arose arisen awake awakened / awoke awakened / awoken B backslide backslid backslidden / backsli...