IRREGULAR VERBS LIST INFINITIVE SIMPLE PAST PAST PARTICIPLE TRANSLATION Awake Awoke Awoken Despertarse Be(am, are, is) Was / Were Been Ser / Estar Become Became Become Llegar a Ser Begin Began Begun Empezar Bet Bet Bet Apostar Bite Bit Bitten Morder Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar Blow Blew Blown ...
Good examples of irregular verbs include have, understand and draw. Notice that their past forms had, understood and drew are very different from regular verbs, which end with -d or -ed. For more examples, see's list of irregular verbs. What are the most common irregular ...
SohowdoIknowwhichverbsareregularandwhichareirregular? Learnthemfromthelist,ohno! Iseewhatyoumean.Imade,youmade,hemade,shemade,itmade,wemade, theymade! OK,you'reright,that'snottoobad.Arethereanyexceptions? Lucia PresentPastSimplePresentPastSimple ...
Irregular Verbs (Simple Past) 34個詞語 kajagreek預覽 Θεοί τουΟλύμπου 老師7個詞語 quizlette830919989預覽 Αοριστος Β 11個詞語 apple_juice62預覽 Μάθημα 3 老師14個詞語 Chrisvkvld預覽 Μάθημα 59- ΗχελώναΚαρέταΚαρέτα ...
Past Simple: Irregular Verbs ?Many Past Simple verbs are the grammar reference chart below. Below are monly used Past Simpleirregular verbs in English. For example: “My friend buysa newspaper every day.”“My friend boughta newspaper yesterday.”?be ?
Irregular VerbsBase Form Past Simple Past Participle Spanish1 be (bi:)was (wos)were (we:)been (bi:n) ser, estar2 beat (bi:t) beat (bi:t) beaten (bí:tn) golpear, pegar (I)3 become (bicám) became (bikéim) become (bicám)llegar a ser, convertirse4 begin (biguín) began (...
Past Simple Past Participle Singular Gerund Make Made Made Makes Making Mean Meant Meant Means Meaning Meet Met Met Meets Meeting Melt Melted Molten/Melted Melts Melting /members/irregular-verbs/printable.php (7 of 18)9/30/2006 12:44:46 PM English Irregular Verb List - Printable Version Mis...
4 PARTS + POWERPOINT To practice past simple of irregular verbs (positive, negative and interrogative sentences). Cut up the exercises and let students draw the pieces of paper and form the sentences in the past simple. They can work in pairs or small groups, you c...