文档标签: 动词 Verb verb list pdf VERB LIST PDF List PETIrregularVerbListInfinitivePastTensePastParticipleabideabode,abidedabode,abidedarisearosearisenawakeawoke,awakedawoke,awakedbe(am,is,are)was,werebeenbearboreborne,borebeatbeatbeatenbecomebecamebecomebeginbeganbegunbendbentbentbetbet,bettedbet,bettedbid...
Irregular Verbs(不规则动词表) 不规则动词表(Irregular Verb List) 不规则动词表 irregular verbs 不规则动词表11(Irregular verbs table 11) Irregular Verbs英语常用不规则动词表(与分类,且有原型,过去式和过去分词) 不规则动词变化表【附中文意思 全】(Irregular Verb List) IrreguLar Verbs 不规则动词表...
Irregular Verb Flashcards 7 Irregular Verb Drill 7 Irregular Verb Flashcards 8 Irregular Verb Drill 8 The 100 Most Common English Irregular Verbs Download our printable PDF List of the 100 Most Common Irregular Verbs in English. English teachers and trainers, please read our terms of use. Common...
grammar practice level 4 gp irregular verbsodi语法练习级不规则动词.pdf,Grammar Plus 6 Past simple tense: irregular verbs Grammar box Irregular verbs don’t form the past simple with –ed. Each irregular verb has Form a special past form. Usage We use the
Irregular verb:Ihad spokenat over 50 schools by the time I turned 30. Not all irregular verbs are commonly used. You might never use a word likebroadcast, and you’ll probably only see the wordabideas part of the phraselaw-abiding citizen(that’s someone who follows the law). ...
Appendix 1 Regular and irregular verbsIf a verb is regular, the past simple and past participle end in -. For example: For spelling rules, see Appendix 6. For the (I / they / she etc.), see Unit 5. We use the to make the perfect tenses and all the passive forms. (//cleaned):...
Then write the sentences on the blank lines with the correct irregular verb. Use a dictionary if you get stuck. If a verb is not regular, most dictionaries will list all the irregular verb parts. 1. Janet blowed her nose with a clean handkerchief. 2. We have ate all the chocolate ...
they learn about what actions are happening in the sentence; this gives them a better understanding of what is happening in the story. regular and irregular verbs worksheet pdf is an excellent resource for kids to understand the difference between these two verb forms. what is a regular verb?
Wewerestuckintheairport.Sowhataboutthisverblist?Right,hereitis!PresentPastSimplePresentPastSimplesellsoldsendsentsetsetshutshutsingsangsitsatsleepsleptspeakspokespendspentstandstoodstealstoleswimswamtaketookteachtaughttelltoldthinkthoughtunderstandunderstoodwakewokewearworewinwonwritewrote Watch the video here: http...