Define Irregular heartbeat. Irregular heartbeat synonyms, Irregular heartbeat pronunciation, Irregular heartbeat translation, English dictionary definition of Irregular heartbeat. A disturbance in the electrical impulses to the heart which results in an
2. (= spasmodic) [attendance, meals, breathing, heartbeat]→ irregularhe is very irregular in his attendance→ no asiste de forma regularhe leads a very irregular life→ lleva una vida muy irregularI am not usually irregular (euph)→ normalmente voy como un relojto keep irregular hours→ ...
(grammar)not formed in the normal wayan irregular verb (of a soldier etc.)not part of a country's official armyoppositeregular irregularly adverb Seeirregularin the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Check pronunciation:irregular
covered in bumps and indentations.2not happening at times that are anequaldistancefrom each otherOPPregularHe’s receiving medication for an irregular heartbeat.Beamish only returned to Britainat irregular intervals.3not happening or done at thenormaltime for doing somethingOPPregularFuneral directors ...
Related to Irregular: irregular periods, Irregular heartbeat, Irregular polygonHEIR, IRREGULAR. In Louisiana, irregular heirs are those who are neither testamentary nor legal, and who have been established by law to take the succession. See Civ. Code of Lo. art. 874. When the deceased has le...
An irregular heartbeat can be a sign of several things. irregularadj(grammar: not regular)(语法:变化等)SCSimplified Chinese不规则的bù guī zé de TCTraditional Chinese不規則的 "Went" is the irregular past of "go". irregularadj(action: not customary)(行为等)SCSimplified Chinese不合常规的,不...
An irregular heartbeat is any abnormality in a regular heartbeat. This can include a heartbeat that is too fast, called tachyardia, a heartbeat that... Learn more about this topic: Arrhythmia Definition, Types & ECG Detection from
Irregularity (redirected fromirregular) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Legal Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to irregular:irregular periods,Irregular heartbeat,Irregular polygon Irregularity Inlaw,adeparturefromstandardprocedure.Irregularitiesarenotillegal,butmaybe(dependingonthecircumstances)sufficientlygrave...
b.a single pulsation of the heart or arteries 2.Physicselectronics a.a transient sharp change in voltage, current, or some other quantity normally constant in a system of a series of such transient disturbances, usually recurring at regular intervals and having a characteristic geometric sh...