在queue之前,先调用 irq_work_claim() 判断此 work 此时是否可以使用,若别人事先已经对其 flag 标注了 IRQ_WORK_PENDING,则表示此 work 已经被 enqueue 过了,还没来得及处理,是不允许重复对其进行 enqueue 的,直接返回 false。在这个work被处理时,在执行其回调之前,在 irq_work_single() 中清理 IRQ_WORK_PEND...
方法/步骤 1 在现在的多核处理器里,Linux下默认是将硬件IRQ分配到所有的CPU核心上,会优先使用第0核(即CPU0),那么我们要如何手动指定到某个或某几个核心上呢?2 这涉及到SMP IRQ Affinity。首先,我们可以通过如下命令cat /proc/interrupts来获取当前IRQ对应CPU核心的情况,我的电脑有如下返回值:3 CPU0 CP...
functions associated with the work items one after the other. When there is no work item left on the workqueue the worker becomes idle. When a new work item gets queued, the worker begins executing again. 简单来说,workqueue 子系统提供了一个接口,通过这个接口可以创建内核线程来处理从其他地方 en...
PMI: 0 0 0 0 Performance monitoring interrupts IWI: 187 225 902 359 IRQ work interrupts RTR: 0 0 0 0 APIC ICR read retries RES: 334501392 285786398 257503327 251243011 Rescheduling interrupts CAL: 28611982 23099378 27059939 27241692 Function call interrupts TLB: 21095731 21499698 21423392 21840338 ...
SPU: 0 0 ... 0 0 Spurious interrupts PMI: 1547 678 ... 493 698 Performance monitoring interrupts IWI: 0 0 ... 0 0 IRQ work interrupts RES: 387358708 463695594 ... 111027119 98766294 Rescheduling interrupts CAL: 3009 5228 ... 5265 5278 Function call interrupts ...
PMI: 0 0 0 Performance monitoring interrupts IWI: 0 0 0 IRQ work interrupts RTR: 0 0 0 APIC ICR read retries RES:38010843886989 2985860 Rescheduling interrupts CAL: 2034291 2903736 1266552 Function call interrupts TLB: 0 0 0 TLB shootdowns ...
113 83 139 141 514 302 343 389 IRQ work interrupts IPI6: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CPU wake-up interrupts Err: 0 中断先分配内核虚拟irq号:比如在arm64系统gicv3中线通过gic_init_bases提前创建了8个包括IPI和Err中断号,从1到8(/proc/interrupts中的IPI显示从0开始) [ 0.000000] ===alloc_desc of ...
IPI4: 0 Single function call interrupts IPI5: 0 CPU stop interrupts IPI6: 0 IRQ work interrupts IPI7: 0 completion interrupts Err: 0 The IRQ number you give to the function request_irq corresponds to the first column of the /proc/interrupts file, while the IRQ numbers ...
soft_irq用在对底半执行时间要求比较紧急或者非常重要的场合,主要为一些subsystem用,一般driver基本上用不上。tasklet和work queue在普通的driver里用的相对较多,主要区别是tasklet是在中断上下文执行,而workqueue是在process上下文,因此可以执行可能sleep的操作。
0 0 IRQ work interrupts RES: 387358708 463695594 ... 111027119 98766294 Rescheduling interrupts CAL: 3009 5228 ... 5265 5278 Function call interrupts TLB: 1432171 1441738 ... 3160227 2003518 TLB shootdowns TRM: 0 0 ... 0 0 Thermal event interrupts THR: 0 0 ... 0 0 Threshold APIC ...