The I/O Manager, other operating system components, and other kernel-mode drivers send IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL requests. Normally this IRP is sent on behalf of a user-mode application that has called the Win32DeviceIoControlfunction or on behalf of a kernel-mode component that has calledZwDeviceI...
The I/O Manager, other operating system components, and other kernel-mode drivers send IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL requests. Normally this IRP is sent on behalf of a user-mode application that has called the Win32DeviceIoControlfunction or on behalf of a kernel-mode component that has calledZwDeviceI...
当另一个驱动程序调用IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest或IoAllocateIrp来创建请求时,驱动程序会收到IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL请求。 此I/O 控制代码已定义用于配对和分层内核模式驱动程序之间的通信,例如在端口驱动程序上分层的一个或多个类驱动程序。 更高级别的驱动程序使用特定于设备或驱动程序的 I/O 控制代码设置...
IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL要求またはIRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL要求の I/O 制御コードに関する一般的な情報については、「I/O 制御コードの使用」を参照してください。 また、「デバイスの種類に固有の I/O 要求」も参照してください。
有关IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL或IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL请求的 I/O 控制代码的常规信息,请参阅使用 I/O 控制代码。 另请参阅设备Type-Specific I/O 请求。 要求 标头 Wdm.h(包括 Wdm.h、Ntddk.h 或 Ntifs.h) 另请参阅 DispatchDeviceControl ...
Every driver whose device objects belong to a particular device type (see Specifying Device Types) is required to support this request in a DispatchDeviceControl routine, if a set of system-defined I/O control codes (IOCTLs) exists for the type.
IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL Article 03/01/2023 2 contributors Feedback In this article When Sent Input Parameters Output Parameters Operation Show 2 more In general, any replacement for an existing driver that supports internal device control requests should handle this request in a ...
这种通信方式,就是驱动程序和应用程序自定义一种IO控制码,然后调用DeviceIoControl函数,IO管理器会产生一个MajorFunction 为IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL(DeviceIoControl函数会产生此IRP),MinorFunction 为自己定义的控制码的IRP,系统就调用相应的处理IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL的派遣函数,你在派遣函数中判断MinorFunction ,是...
IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL Article 03/01/2023 2 contributors Feedback In this article When Sent Input Parameters Output Parameters Operation Show 2 more In general, any replacement for an existing driver that supports internal device control requests should handle this request in a ...