IRP_MN_UNLOCK_SINGLE Valor devuelto Esta rutina devuelve STATUS_SUCCESS o un valor NTSTATUS adecuado. Si devuelve un valor NTSTATUS que no es un código correcto, el bloqueo de archivo se quita del archivo. Comentarios Un controlador de filtro del sistema de archivos (filtro heredado) puede...
I have a disk class upper filter driver in which I’m allocating (sometimes copying) an irp and then freeing up the resources (buffer and mdl) once I’m done with using that irp. Everything works ok until I shutdown/restart my machine during which I get random errors like “An Access...
For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit: To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at</mailto:xxxxx></mailto:workingmailing> wesleyNovember 26, 2013, 10:45pm5 Alex, C...
Flight schedule Direct via flight Estimate Transit From Pick up to LOS ANGLES UPS Warehouse Deliver Transit Time SAT 17:00 SAT 19:00 SAT 22:00 Next MON Flight Direct Flight 3-5 Business Days US WEST COAST US MIDDLE COAST US EAST CAOST MON 17:00 ...
IRP_MN_LOCK IRP_MN_UNLOCK_ALL IRP_MN_UNLOCK_ALL_BY_KEY IRP_MN_UNLOCK_SINGLE Return value This routine returns STATUS_SUCCESS or an appropriate NTSTATUS value. If it returns an NTSTATUS value that is not a success code, the file lock is removed from the file. ...