February 4th, 2023: Miami Gravel 56 Miler *Carol Koiro - 3:34:49 for 5th in the 50+ Women January 27th, 2023: Recap of 2022 RTC Triathlon Results ***Sprint and Olympic*** *5 Overall Wins; 1 National Age Group Runner Up; 1 World Champs Finisher *13 PR's; 2 First Time ...
About 1,000 athletes began the race in calm waters at the pier in this coastal village on Hawaii Island’s Kona Coast. Tinley moved up after a 28th-place finish in the 2.4-mile swim. Scott was third in the swim. Advertisement After the swim, the athletes took off on a 112-mile bicyc...
First triathlon since getting my left hip put back together which was momentous, but it was also just a sprint on a familiar course with a good friend and zero expectations. I was pretty zen and really happy to be there. Owensies remarked that he needed to figure out how to work his n...
I know I can get in the water, swim and get out. That’s the only part of triathlon I am usually certain about. I tend to have little drama in the swim portion–when I stay away from the 40-44 age group males. My triathlon race day drama starts small and...