this mod adds a lot of new stairs such as iron stairs, netherite stairs, and more, please considor supporting mcreator
title=Sounds.json/J 语法指令: Java版 playsound <声音> <来源> <玩家> [x] [y] [z] [音量] [音调] [最小音量] 基岩版 playsound <声音:字符串> <玩家:目标> [方位:x y z] [音量:浮点数] [音调:浮点数] [最小音量:浮点数] 示范: (播放苦力怕准备自爆的音效) /playsound minecraft:entity...
My username originates from when I was very young playingMinecraftand didn’t know how to spell, so I ended up with a wonky spelling of my current username. I’ve been using this username out of habit over the past decade and found that my misspelling helps people separate my username fr...
好名字都被莉莉 HEART OF IRON(钢铁雄心)是怎么回事啊,开发者页面里只有123,4是DLC 分享21 钢铁雄心4吧 你说的好吧ok 谁有钢四bgm的歌单啊,发现钢四bgm挺适合写作业时候听 分享208 钢铁雄心m吧 钢铁雄心M 【HOIM】Heart of Iron MInecraft吧吧规S1版本这里是钢铁雄心M,MC服务器Heart of Iron Minecraft服务...
Iron is the next tier of tools and weapons, specifically swords, in Minecraft after stone. It is relatively common, making it an adequate and preferred material for tools and weapons. Not only that, but iron is used in many crafting recipes later in-game. Without iron, you cannot progress...