Table 1 has a summary of the physical and magnetic properties of the SPIONs. Magnetic resonance imaging at 64 mT and 3 T. Contrast agents were characterized with MRI at 64 mT and 3 T to compare performance between low-field and clinical field regimes. Measurements on ...
Approximate beamline and analyser resolutions are listed in Supplementary Table 1. The photon energy was calibrated at the C and N K-edge by measuring the kinetic energy difference between photoemission peaks generated from first- and second-order light from the monochromator. This was ongaroit...
Approximate beamline and analyser resolutions are listed in Supplementary Table 1. The photon energy was calibrated at the C and N K-edge by measuring the kinetic energy difference between photoemission peaks generated from first- and second-order light from the monochromator. This was ongaroit...
Table 1. Ratio of Ti vs. elements abundant in biological samples shows different accumulation of nanoparticles in different tissues when nanoparticle delivery by IV vs. IC is done. As a type of internal control ratio of Ti vs. Fe is shown as well. Due to the core–shell structure of ...
Table 1 displays the chemical composition of the ore sample, which contains 42.21% total iron and some impurities, including 21.80% SiO2, 5.47% Al2O3, 4.33% CaO, and 1.31% phosphorus. Metals 2016, 6, 82 3 of 12 MMeettaallss 22001166,T, 66a,,b 88l22e 1. ...