The Gorgon acquiesced to the Ultramarines' request, but the price the warriors of the XIIIth Legion paid was high, for the defenders' counterattack was powerful, sparing none of their remaining might. When the last of the Lords of Gardinaal had paid for their intransigence, Ferrus Manus ...
cerevisiae Aft1/2 binds to DNA to activate iron acquisition and iron sparing via Cth1/2. During iron availability (high [2Fe-2S] cluster abundance), a heterocomplex consisting of one GRX, one Bol2, and one glutathione transport [2Fe-2S] clusters to Aft1/2, which promotes DNA dissociation...
In Bacillus subtilis, robust biofilm formation requires large quantities of ferric iron. Here we show that this process requires preferential production of a siderophore precursor, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate, instead of the siderophore bacillibactin. A large
However, during purification of RE sulfate leach solution with solid MgO, the RE loss is noticeable and accompanied by a mass of acid and alkali consumption and discharge of radioactive solid waste, which also causes environmental pollution. In this paper, the behavior of RE, Fe, and P ...
increase the therapeutic effectiveness of RT, while sparing surrounding healthy tissues remains. One strategy involves the use of radiosensitizers. In the last years, there has been an increasing interest in utilizing nanoparticles (NPs) with high atomic number (Z), such as metal-based NPs , as...