A founding member of the Avengers, Iron Man had a high profile. Stark, however, retained his secret identity, claiming Iron Man was his bodyguard. This facade was abetted by Stark’s ability to remotely control his suits of armor.Jump to issue: Notes Writer Artist #1 - 2nd printing (2023...
Browse the Marvel Comics issue Invincible Iron Man (2022) #20. Learn where to read it, and check out the comic's cover art, variants, writers, & more!
Double-sized issue! Co-realesed alongside this summer's surefire blockbuster hit IRON MAN 2, this issue is the perfect jumping-on point for fans of the films and readers new and old alike! New year. New decade. New trade dress. New threats. New lovers. New armor. New Tony Stark. New...
F. et al. First-in-man study with BAY 85–3934 — a new oral selective HIF-PH inhibitor for the treatment of renal anemia [abstract]. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 24, 347A (2013). Google Scholar Akizawa, T., Hanaki, K. & Arai, M. JTZ-951, an oral novel Hif-Phd inhibitor, ...
& Mancias, J. D. NCOA4-mediated ferritinophagy: a potential link to neurodegeneration. Front. Neurosci. 13, 238 (2019). Article Google Scholar Yambire, K. F. et al. Impaired lysosomal acidification triggers iron deficiency and inflammation in vivo. eLife 8, e51031 (2019). Article CAS...
typhimurium[172], [173]. BLASTP searches using the sequence of the periplasmic thiosulfate binding protein (CysP) as bait reveal that thiosulfate uptake systems are widespread amongst the Proteobacteria. 4.1.13. PhsA/PsrA (with a tat leader) 23 Sequences appear in a clade with individual ...
【漫威漫画】INFAMOUS IRON MAN ISSUE (恶名铁人)#2 维克多・冯・杜姆 关注 专栏/【漫威漫画】INFAMOUS IRON MAN ISSUE (恶名铁人)#2 【漫威漫画】INFAMOUS IRON MAN ISSUE (恶名铁人)#2 2020年11月27日 11:35427浏览· 11点赞· 0评论 维克多・冯・杜姆 粉丝:1311文章:85 关注...
Currently, we still lack effective measures to modify disease progression in neurodegenerative diseases. Iron-containing proteins play an essential role in many fundamental biological processes in the central nervous system. In addition, iron is a redox-active ion and can induce oxidative stress in the...
[13]. The issue is not limited to excess iron; iron deficiency also leads to alterations in dopaminergic receptors [173]. In addition, iron is not only important for the dopaminergic pathway but also plays a “synaptic” role. Chelating iron not only reduces synaptic transmission activity in ...
Chifman, J. et al. The core control system of intracellular iron homeostasis: a mathematical model. J. Theor. Biol. 300, 91–99 (2012). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Laubenbacher, R. et al. A systems biology view of cancer. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1796, 129–139...