Iron Maiden Drum Backing Track $1.99 Murders in the Rue Morgue Iron Maiden Drum Backing Track $1.99 The Number of the Beast Iron Maiden Drum Backing Track $1.99 Phantom of the Opera Iron Maiden Drum Backing Track $1.99 Killers Iron Maiden ...
Nicko Statement from Rod Smallwood on behalf of Iron Maiden: Nicko, And we all love you too!! Thank you for being an irrepressible force behind the drum kit for Maiden for 42 years and my friend for even longer. I speak on behalf of all the band when I say we will miss you immensely!
钢弦吉他(GUITAR STEEL) 失真吉他(DISTORTION GUITAR) 2 Am 2 guitar 3 效果吉他(OVERDRIVEN GUITAR) 2 Am 2 Traccia 4 架子鼓(DRUM KIT) 2 Am 2 Percussioni 请您对此乐谱评分 无用减分点赞加分
失真吉他(DISTORTION GUITAR) Iron Maiden 2 Overdub 1 失真吉他(DISTORTION GUITAR) Iron Maiden 2 Overdub 2 贝斯(BASS) Iron Maiden 2 Steve 架子鼓(DRUM KIT) Iron Maiden 2 Clive 请您对此乐谱评分 无用减分点赞加分
Iron Maiden Drum Backing Track $1.99 The Ripper Judas Priest Drum Backing Track $1.99 Heading Out to the Highway Judas Priest Drum Backing Track $1.99 Phantom of the Opera Iron Maiden Drum Backing Track $1.99 Down Payment Blues AC/DC
My opinion is probably in the minority for Maiden fans,so it’s probable that many would get more enjoyment out of these songs than I do. They can’t be two of the most popular metal songs for nothing, can they?“Gangland” begins with an interesting Clive Burr drum pattern, but the ...
歌手:Iron Maiden 音轨数:5 乐谱类型:未知 乐谱《Aces High Guitar Pro 6》由琴友【旋风吉他】上传分享,权益归制作者所有, 但最终的版权仍然是原曲作者或所属单位所有,如果您是原曲作者或所属单位你可以选择强制【下架此谱】或【与制谱者分享权益】。 上一首 下一首 贝斯(BASS) Aces High Guitar Pro ...
失真吉他(DISTORTION GUITAR) Iron Maiden 5 Overdub 1 失真吉他(DISTORTION GUITAR) Iron Maiden 5 Overdub 2 贝斯(BASS) Iron Maiden 5 Steve 架子鼓(DRUM KIT) Iron Maiden 5 Clive 请您对此乐谱评分 无用减分点赞加分
失真吉他(DISTORTION GUITAR) Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg 4 Adrian Smith : (Distortion) 失真吉他(DISTORTION GUITAR) Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg 4 Janick Gers : (Distortion) 贝斯(BASS) Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg 4 Steve Harris 架子鼓(DRUM KIT) ...
效果吉他(OVERDRIVEN GUITAR) 贝斯(BASS) The Talisman Steve Harris 架子鼓(DRUM KIT) The Talisman Nicko McBrain 弦乐(String) The Talisman Michael Kenny 请您对此乐谱评分 无用减分点赞加分