The second peak of IDA seen in teenagers is primarily due to rapid growth often combined with poor dietary intake of iron. These contributors may be compounded by menstrual blood loss in adolescent females. Iron is an important component in the formation of hemoglobin, the protein found in red...
Iron deficiency (ID) is the most prevalent nutrient deficiency in the world, with a growing literature documenting the negative effects of ID on perception, attention, and memory. Animal models of ID suggest that dysregulation of dopamine is responsible for the deficits in memory. However, evidence...
The serum iron of a healthy, adult, non-pregnant woman lies between 13 and 27 µmol/L.Serum ironlevels vary markedly and even fluctuate from hour to hour. The TIBC in the woman in a non-pregnant state lies in the range 45–72 µmol/L. It is raised in association withiron deficie...
Females exhibit a survival advantage compared to males, but the cause of this is unknown. For this reason, we studied sex differences of iron overload in a mouse model of the disease. We postulated that sex steroids cause an increase in cardiac iron levels and that testosterone increases ...
With low iron levels, performance and intense physical activity may be compromised. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between iron status, physical performance, and physical activity in 18- to 45-year-old females. Participants (= 109) were screened for iron status...
Malaria and iron deficiency (ID) are common and interrelated public health problems in African children. Observational data suggest that interrupting malaria transmission reduces the prevalence of ID1. To test the hypothesis that malaria might cause ID, we used sickle cell trait (HbAS,rs334), a ...
About 24% of the subjects had abnormally low levels of transferrin saturation. Latent iron deficiency, with low serum ferritin concentration, was present in 66% of the subjects ; the mean values of serum ferritin concentration in males was 60±18.6ng/ml, while that in females was 29±9.0ng/...
is a patented chelated form of iron. This form of iron is reacted with glycine, resulting in optimal absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and decreasing iron’s typical gastrointestinal side effects.* A study (cited below) showed Ferrochel is more effective at increasing iron levels in pregnan...
1) Main idea of the text: Exercise may lead to more loss of iron in females, which in turn produces serious effects on their health. According to sports medicine experts, active women should pay more attention to iron deficiency in their bodies and take correct measures to remedy it before...
The transferrin test is a direct measurement of transferrin—which is also called siderophilin—levels in the blood. Some laboratories prefer this measurement to the TIBC. The saturation level of the transferrin can be calculated by dividing the serum iron level by the TIBC. ...