C. Solution 3 was prepared by dissolving 380 g of TPABr (tetrapropyl ammonium bromide), 96 g of NaOH and 320 g of NaCl in 1000 ml of deionised water. D. 1550 g of Nalcoag1030™ were used as the source of silica and the liquid was diluted with 1480 ml of deionised water and tho...
Anagnosto-poulos reported 3 7 4 water-insoluble 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 com-plexes, respectively, of 4,4‘-bipy with iron(II1) chlorideand bromide. Here, I present the preparation andcharacterization of the complexes of 4,4’-bipy withiron(II1) chloride, nitrate, and perchlorate in ethanolan...
(60) respectively. It is impossible to distinguish them by using MES. For h-Fe7C3and o-Fe7C3, as well as γ'-Fe4C and γ''-Fe4C, it is easy to distinguish among them by using MES, although they have the same formula. The computed Mössbauer parameters for these iron carbides ...
Bromide exchange appears to take place preferably with anionic nucleophiles such as acetylides [45,46] to give neutral iron complexes. In the same way, the iodo complex [Fe(Cp)I(CO)2] (3) [47] undergoes ligand exchange to either give [Fe(Cp)(CO)2L][I] or [Fe(Cp)I(CO)L] (L=...