posorx y zis optional. It is thex y z coordinatewhere the iron golem should spawn. If no coordinate is specified, the iron golem will spawn in the current location. dataTagis optional. It is a compound NBT tag (formerly called data tag) that sets a property for the iron golem such ...
Ignis vs Random Bosses | Minecraft Bedrock Nov4_BT 834 1 【我的世界】随机空岛生存,第十一期蛤蟆大战凋零风暴 奶油ca 60.1万 491 Ignis vs Nameless Guard vs Lord Golem Bedrock | Minecraft Bedrock Nov4_BT 795 0 展开 投稿瓦赛,用枪说话!
Bedrock Edition In the console and mobile versions of the game, the requirements for Iron Golems to spawn are different from the PC version. Instead of gossip and panic states dictating when a Golem spawns, the amount of villagers, beds and villagers working their respective professions dictate ...