Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan!— Golem room, left side before the first crest door. —CR:♦13♥15♠18 Entering the Gate Chamber— South from the secret door Escort the Expedition— North from the pool room. Guards two chests. ...
It has a piece of his soul within its golem body.ENDURE STRESS w/Heart: STRONG HITa strong hit allows him to take the next moveEND THE FIGHT vs. HUSK:Progress: 7/10Result: STRONG HITHe fights through the pain and spins away. In the chaos of the explosion of light and screa...
Voidstrike Reaper [Scythe]: Right-click to summon Void Runes in a circular pattern around you. The runes spawn in 8 waves in 15 ticks of delay between each wave ring, damaging all entities caught in their path. Cursed Wraithblade [Gunblade]: Souls are reaped with each strike, feeding the...
In the Golem cave, Phillip chose the way to the right, protected with a Potion of Absorbtion and Shiield against 2 traps on that way. Spoiler Phillip decided to improve his melee weapon, so he travelled to the Dryad Tree and punished two nature haters there. Nothing is better than ...
Iron golems are big, tough mobs that protect villagers. They can spawn inside a village naturally, but most naturally occurring villages are too small for this to happen. You can create your own iron golem in any up-to-date version of...