Reveiz L, Gyte GM, Cuervo LG, et al.; Treatments for iron- deficiency anemia in pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Oct 5;(10): CD003094.Reveiz L, Gyte GMI, Cuervo LG. Treatments for iron-deficiency anaemia in pregnancy. The Cochrane Database of Systematic reviews. 2007(2)....
Osmosis医学科普: 开源Osmosis.orglearnIron_deficiency_anemia 翻译:侯晓菲@蘅芷雕兮莹嫇 ;校对:橙呱@很困的橙呱 ;压制:三花花; 声明:非商业用途,仅供学习参考,不提供任何专业相关的诊疗意见~ 转载…bilibili- Osmosis中文,仅为公益分享,不作为任何医疗建议;
Iron deficiency anemia happens when you don't take in enough iron from food you eat or your body loses iron. Talk to your doctor if you have any symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, which can include fatigue or weakness, hair loss, fast heartbeat or brittle nails. Some treatment options in...
缺铁性贫血IronDeficiencyAnemia 西安交通大学第一医院血液科 汇报人姓名 概述 缺铁性贫血是由于体内储存铁消耗殆尽,不能满足正常红细胞生成的需要而发生的贫血。发病情况 最常见的贫血,在育龄妇女和婴幼儿中的发病率很高。在多数发展中国家,约2/3的儿童和育龄妇女缺铁,其中1/3患缺铁性贫血 铁的代谢 一.铁的...
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia worldwide, caused by insufficient iron due to decreased supply, increased loss, or increased demand.
Iron deficiency anemia occurs when the body does not have enough iron, which is an essential nutrient involved in the transporting of oxygen throughout the body. Discover the causes and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, and find out what the treatment is for this condition. ...
Iron-deficiency anemia, anemia that develops due to a lack of the mineral iron, the main function of which is in the formation of hemoglobin, the blood pigment that carries oxygen from the blood to the tissues. Iron-deficiency anemia, the most common ane
No.1 recommended iron supplement by physicians in Canada. FeraMAX® is an oral iron supplement to cure iron deficiency anemia, available online and at pharmacies across Canada.
缺铁性贫血是指体内铁含量不足时发生的贫血。患贫血时,人的红细胞(RBC)数量比正常人低。 红细胞内的血红蛋白担负者向全身输送氧气的功能。铁是合成血红蛋白的重要原料。铁不足时,血红蛋白和红细胞生成减少,从而导致贫血。补铁治疗通常会使贫血好转。 体征和症状 ...
(一)定义:由于体内贮存铁消耗怠尽,不能满足正常红细胞生成的需要时发生的贫血。 (二)流行病学:世界贫血之最 WHO1985年报告,全球30%患贫血,其中50%为缺铁。 发展中国家:70%儿童、育龄妇女患贫血,其中30%有缺铁。 发达国家:30%青少年、妇女,60%孕妇患贫血,其中14%的妇女和30%青年有缺铁。 二、铁的代谢: ...