Osmosis医学科普: 开源Osmosis.orglearnIron_deficiency_anemia 翻译:侯晓菲@蘅芷雕兮莹嫇 ;校对:橙呱@很困的橙呱 ;压制:三花花; 声明:非商业用途,仅供学习参考,不提供任何专业相关的诊疗意见~ 转载…bilibili- Osmosis中文,仅为公益分享,不作为任何医疗建议;
The meaning of IRON-DEFICIENCY ANEMIA is anemia that is caused by a deficiency of iron and characterized by hypochromic microcytic red blood cells.
Anemia is a major public health problem in many areas of Southeast Asia. Ascertaining anemia and defining its underlying causes is essential for providing appropriate care, management, and establishment of a control program. Limited studies on these have been carried out on people living at the bor...
Iron deficiency is a worldwide problem—and your body can do some weird things when you don't get enough. Here are the signs you might have iron deficiency and how to meet your daily intake.
Sore and swollen tongue Restless legs syndrome(an urge to move your legs while you’re in bed) Because these can also be symptoms of other conditions, see your doctor to get a diagnosis. Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia It can happen if you don't eat enough foods containing iron, if you...
Characterization of Fe(III)-binding peptides from pea protein hydrolysates targeting enhanced iron bioavailability 2023, Food Chemistry Citation Excerpt : Orally administered iron can be obtained through a wide range of traditional food sources, as well as supplemental forms such as mineral salts. Never...
Noun1.iron deficiency anemia- a form of anemia due to lack of iron in the diet or to iron loss as a result of chronic bleeding iron deficiency anaemia chlorosis,greensickness- iron deficiency anemia in young women; characterized by weakness and menstrual disturbances and a green color to the...
See Sore Tongue or Cracked Lips? Might Be Iron Deficiency Anemia's production, company, and contact information. Explore Sore Tongue or Cracked Lips? Might Be Iron Deficiency Anemia's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with
Iron deficiency anemia is the final stage of iron deficiency. When the body has sufficient iron to meet its needs (functional iron), the remainder is stored for later use in the bone marrow, liver, and spleen. Iron deficiency ranges from iron depletion, which yields little physiological damage...
Part III. Provides information for doctors in India regarding iron deficiency anemia. Treatment of the cause; Correction of anemia with iron supplements; Oral iron therapy; Iron preparations; Side effects of oral iron; Parenteral iron therapy, which includes both intramuscular and intravenous iron ...