Many patients, however, present with both ACD and iron deficiency anemia (ACD/IDA), the latter resulting from chronic blood loss. We used a rat model of ACD resulting from chronic arthritis and mimicked ACD/IDA by additional phlebotomy to define differing iron-regulatory pathways. Iron retention...
Red blood cell distribution width and iron deficiency anemia among pregnant Sudanese women. Diagn Pathol. 2012; 7 :168. doi: 10.1186/1746-1596-7-168. [ Cross Ref ]Abdelrahman EG, Gasim GI, Musa IR, Elbashir LM, Adam I: Red blood cell distribution width and iron deficiency anemia among...
with a prevalence of 0.9% of births. However, two-thirds of cases have an unknown cause, and many of these are thought to be caused by in utero exposure to environmental teratogens. Here we identify a potential teratogen causing CHD in mice: maternal iron deficiency (ID). We show that ma...
See All Slides Begin Slideshow Anemia sounds like the kind of condition that rarely happens anymore, like scurvy or rickets. But actually, iron-deficiency is more common than you might think — especially among women. Being pregnant, breastfeeding, or just having a regular period (especially if...
Iron deficiency anemia is considered as an alarm sign for the presence of possible GI malignancies, and inadequate evaluation of patients with IDA may delay the diagnosis of GI tumors especially colorectal cancer [2]. In 20% of patients with IDA a routine upper and lower GI endoscopy may not...
Slides then were blocked for nonspecific binding using protein block, and endogenous peroxidase activity was quenched, stained with primary antibodies: rabbit anti-FTL (1:100), rabbit anti-Aβ42 (1:200) and rabbit anti-MAP2 (1:150), then were developed using the Dako Envision HRP-DAB ...
We modeled the effects of iron on postnatal glomerulogenesis in four groups of immature rats from P4 to P12: dam fed controls (DF), dam fed with sham gastrostomy surgery (DF ϩ SS), iron-deficiency anemia (IDA), fed iron-deficient formula through gastrostomy apart from the dam, and ...
Defining iron-deficiency anemia in public health terms: a time for reflection. J. Nutr. 131, 565S–567S (2001). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Lundqvist, H. & Sjöberg, F. Food interaction of oral uptake of iron / a clinical trial using 59Fe. Arzneimittelforschung 57, 401–416 ...
204 A slight increase in serum TIBC was reported in an experimental study of diet-induced iron-deficiency anemia in young growing dogs,151 but serum TIBC is generally normal in dogs with naturally occurring iron-deficiency anemia.204 About half of the dogs with portosystemic shunts exhibited hypo...
Lozoff B, Wolf AW, Jimenez E 1996 Iron deficiency anemia and infant development: effects of extended oral iron therapy. J Pediatr 129:382–389 5. Walter T, De Andrace I, Chadud P, Perales CG 1989 Iron deficiency anemia: adverse effects on infant psychomotor development. Pediatrics 84:7–...