IRON deficiency anemiaIRON metabolism disordersHEMORRHAGEIron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world. Epidemiological data indicate that iron deficiency is more prevalent in infants, in preschool-children, and in adolescents. Etiologies of iron def...
iron deficiency anemiain childhood 儿童期缺铁贫血 deficiency anemia 【医】 营养缺乏性贫血, 营养性贫血 iron deficiency 铁质缺乏 iron deficiency anaemia phr. 缺铁性贫血(由于各种不同原因引起体内储存铁缺乏,影响细胞的血红素合成而发生的贫血,此种贫血在生育期妇女和婴幼儿中发生率最高) the evaluation ...
Osmosis医学科普: 开源Osmosis.orglearnIron_deficiency_anemia 翻译:侯晓菲@蘅芷雕兮莹嫇 ;校对:橙呱@很困的橙呱 ;压制:三花花; 声明:非商业用途,仅供学习参考,不提供任何专业相关的诊疗意见~ 转载…bilibili- Osmosis中文,仅为公益分享,不作为任何医疗建议;
iron deficiency anemia 英[ˈaiən diˈfiʃənsi əˈni:mi:ə]美[ˈaɪən dɪˈfɪʃənsi əˈnimiə]释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 缺铁性贫血; 双语例句 全部 1. Why are children so susceptible to iron deficiency anemia? 为什么孩子易患缺铁性贫血 呢 ? 来自互联...
【搬运】生动理解 V-B12缺乏 Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Deficiency钴胺素 团团哈哈嗝 163 0 【搬运中英字幕】铁的相关指标 血清铁 Iron Studies (Part 2_ Serum Fe, TIBC, ferritin& %Sat.) 团团哈哈嗝 743 1 【搬运中英字幕】交感、副交感神经 傻傻分不清?Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic vs Parasy...
Definitionoftheirondeficiencyanemia(IDA)–由于体内铁缺乏最终导致储存铁减少血红蛋白合成减少所致的贫血 •N-IDA:Theanemiacausedbyinsufficientdietaryironuptake,inwhichtheironstorageandhemoglobinsynthesisdecreased.HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY,CHILDREN’SHOSPITAL INTRODUCTION Clinicalcharacteristics(临床特征)–铁生化:serumferritin...
缺铁性贫血是指体内铁含量不足时发生的贫血。患贫血时,人的红细胞(RBC)数量比正常人低。 红细胞内的血红蛋白担负者向全身输送氧气的功能。铁是合成血红蛋白的重要原料。铁不足时,血红蛋白和红细胞生成减少,从而导致贫血。补铁治疗通常会使贫血好转。 体征和症状 ...
The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia both in adults and in children and the rapid cure by the administration of large doses of iron led to the study of the causes of this type of anemia. In 1928 Ahmann and his associates, 2 in a nutritional survey covering the school children in ...
or having decreased ability to exercise. Anemia that comes on quickly often has more severe symptoms.Anemia is typically significant before a person becomes noticeablypale. Children with iron deficiency anemia may have problems with growth and development. There may be additional symptoms depending on ...
“Iron-deficiency anemia.” Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 16 Dec. 2024. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of iron-deficiency anemia to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of iron-defi...