The Iron Claw: Directed by Sean Durkin. With Holt McCallany, Maura Tierney, Grady Wilson, Valentine Newcomer. The true story of the inseparable Von Erich brothers, who made history in the intensely competitive world of professional wrestling in the early
“That family is cursed” is something one probably hears upon bringing up professional wrestling’s Von Erich family. Tragedies are magnetized to the surname with such consistency that forThe Iron Clawwriter/director Sean Durkin, anyone familiar with the story will come into the film wondering how...
Movie Reviews “The Iron Claw is about the male ego, competition, and the heartbreaking story of the Von Erich family.” The Iron Claw tells the heartbreaking true story of a tight-knit family’s destructive spiral towards unbearable tragedy. Jack Adkisson, better known as professional wrestle...
Sean Durkin’sThe Iron Clawtells the tragic, true story of the Von Erichs, one of America’s most famous families in professional wrestling. But despite the tough, muscly, and macho exteriors of the Von Erich brothers, Durkin cast Zac Efron as Kevin Von Erich because of his ability to em...
《铁爪 The Iron Claw》是由肖恩·德金执导, 由肖恩·德金担任主编, 演员扎克·埃夫隆, 莉莉·詹姆斯, 哈里斯·迪金森等主演的《铁爪 The Iron Claw》是一部剧情类型电影。 Follows the story of the Von Erichs, a dynasty of wrestlers who made a great impact on the sport from the1960sto the present...
The Iron Claw, based on the real story of professional wrestling’s most tragic family the Von Erichs, is not exactly a world heavyweight contender. The film tries to cover too much ground and has obvious pacing issues.
Iron Claw (2023) M/14132 min-Biography|Drama|Sport 123456789107.6/10 73Metascore The true story of the inseparable Von Erich brothers, who made history in the intensely competitive world of professional wrestling in the early 1980s. Director: ...
The Iron Clawnever achieves a constant sense of forward momentum, which hampers it a bit and prevents it from achieving the sense of operatic tragedy that its story warrants. The film comes thrillingly close to emerging as a full-fledged American epic. The fact that it falls short of ...
Search for a movie or theater Box Office Theaters At Home NewsThe Iron Claw R2 hr 12 minDecember 22, 2023 The true story of the inseparable Von Erich brothers, who made history in the intensely competitive world of professional wrestling in the early 1980s. Through tragedy and triumph, und...
I saw this movie yesterday, and I thought it was solid. A lot of it went down when I was a kid, so my perspective at that time was different than how it...