Set in a futuristic society where robots have become ubiquitous, the film raises questions about the ethical and moral dilemmas that arise when technology outpaces our ability to fully comprehend its consequences. The film's protagonist, Detective Del Spooner, is a cynical and jaded individual who...
How much is an iRobot Roomba vacuum on sale? You’ll find that the answer to this question depends on not only where you buy your Roomba, but also on which model you get. The more basic Roomba models will be more affordable, while the higher-end options will cost a bit more. In the...
It is exciting to see that the superior intelligence of our robots is starting to emerge as a key differentiator in the marketplace. As we move forward, we plan to continue enhancing Genius in ways that are aimed at enabling our customers to precisely direct where, when and how our floor ...
Working together, we will seek additional ways to integrate Google's platform, providing customers with the choice to opt in to new, innovative smart home experiences that leverage a broader understanding of the home's space, enabled through Roomba's spatial awareness of the home. This is a...
Good day, and thank you for standing by. Welcome to the Q4 and Full Year 2021 iRobot Corp. Earnings Conference Call. [Operator Instructions] Please be advised that today’s conference is being recorded. [Operator Instructions] I would now like to hand the conference over to your speaker toda...