Save $500 on the Roomba Combo® 10 Max ★★★ "Just perfect! My new best friend ♥️" Outstanding robot, I'm so so impressed with how quickly the J9+ Self emptying Robot Vacuum was able to map my hole house...Cleans all rooms very well and the fact that you don't need to...
Save $500 on the Roomba Combo® 10 Max ★★★ "Just perfect! My new best friend ♥️" Outstanding robot, I'm so so impressed with how quickly the J9+ Self emptying Robot Vacuum was able to map my hole house...Cleans all rooms very well and the fact that you don't need to...
Save $500 on the Roomba Combo® 10 Max ★★★ "Just perfect! My new best friend ♥️" Outstanding robot, I'm so so impressed with how quickly the J9+ Self emptying Robot Vacuum was able to map my hole house...Cleans all rooms very well and the fact that you don't need to...
Go to slide 3 ¹Compared to Roomba® i Series robots. † Rates are between 0%-36% APR. As an example, a $700 purchase might cost $63.24/mo for 12 months at 15% APR. A down payment may be required. Subject to eligibility check and approval. Payment options depend on your purch...
Save $500 on the Roomba Combo® 10 Max ★★★ "Just perfect! My new best friend ♥️" Outstanding robot, I'm so so impressed with how quickly the J9+ Self emptying Robot Vacuum was able to map my hole house...Cleans all rooms very well and the fact that you don't need ...
Roomba Combo® 10 Max robot + AutoWash™ dock $1,199.99 Price reduced from $1,399.99 to Pay over time with Affirm. See if you qualify at checkout. Save $200. Limited Time Offer. Shop now Roomba® j9+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum $499.99 Price reduced from $899.99 to Pay ov...
9月11日,iRobot,一家在欧美地区较为流行的智能家居品牌,近日更新了其旗下的Roomba一体式扫拖机产品线,推出了一款名为Roomba j9+的新型号。这款扫拖机的售价为899美元(约合人民币6617元),而带扫拖机尘盒的套装售价为1399美元(约合人民币10297元)。 iRobot的首席执行官Colin Angle表示,这款新型号的扫拖机具有...
今天,该公司又发布了一款新产品。Roomba j9+ 的价格相当昂贵,Roomba 售价 899 美元,Roomba 和底座售价 1399 美元。该公司写道:"Roomba Combo j9+ 机器人真空吸尘器和拖把是同类产品中的佼佼者,能以无与伦比的精确度处理灰尘、宠物毛发和碎屑。它的 4 级清洁系统和独特的双橡胶刷可提供 100% 的强力吸力和...
艾罗伯特Roomba Combo j9+ 扫拖一体扫地机器人智能便捷多功能智能避障 三级清洁系统【需自购变压器】 Roomba Combo j9+有水箱图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
商品名称:艾罗伯特(iRobot)Roomba Combo j9 商品编号:10088418502373 店铺:五社海外专营店 是否上下水:否 满电可清洁面积(单次):61-90㎡ 导航技术:视觉导航 类型:自动集尘 拖地/水箱类型:无水箱 避障类型:红外避障 虚拟墙类型:APP虚拟墙 适用面积:91-120㎡ ...