Trova i prezzi più bassi su Irobot roomba ✓ Scopri 62 modelli migliori ✓ Scopri le offerte ora
适用iRobot扫地机Roomba combo i5/i5+/j5/j5+主边滚刷滤网拖抹布 一件代发 48小时发货 ¥0.5 义乌市欣晨贸易有限公司 4年 适配iRobot扫地机器人S9/S9+配件轮子主刷滚刷滤网芯边刷尘盒尘袋 48小时发货 支付宝 ¥1.81 月销11个 深圳市众迈兴科技有限公司 4年 适配iRobot I7E5 E6艾罗伯特扫地...
扫地机配件 适用于irobot i7 i3 i8 E5 E6 S9系列集尘袋更换配件 XT 品牌 一件代发 ¥3.8 月销1440个 深圳市龙岗区翔泰日用品厂 9年 适用iRobot roomba扫地机配件 600系列滤网边刷胶刷配件 清洁耗材 无 品牌 一件代发 ¥0.95 月销41个 义乌市科璨电子商务商行 5年 适配iRobot扫地机各种机型...
Main Roller Side Brush Filters Mop Compatible with Irobot Roomba Combo 113 R113840 Vacuum Cleaner Parts Replacement AccessoriesCNY 10.05-66.83/piece Filters Roller Side Brush Dust Bag Wheel Compatible with iRobot Roomba S9 9150 S9+ s9 Plus 9550 Vacuum Cleaner Parts AccessoriesCNY 81.37-167.53/piece ...
适用于irobot 扫地机ROOMBA COMBO J7+配件主刷边刷滤网抹布尘袋 南京通博电子商务有限公司 1年 回头率: 18% 江苏 南京市 ¥10.45 成交8730个 适用irobot Roomba扫地机器人配件主刷J7/J7+扫地机滚刷胶刷 苏州鸿捷清洁科技有限公司 6年 回头率: 46.9% 江苏 苏州市吴江区 ¥23.75 成交62691个 扫...
For iRobot Roomba i3 i3+ For iRobot Roomba i4 i4+ For iRobot Roomba i6 i6+ For iRobot Roomba i8 i8+ Material:Bimaterial Feature Made of high-strength and environmental friendly materials, soft and durable to use Help to remove dirt, dust and trash on the floor ...
I have a Roomba Combo® i8 Robot Vacuum and Mop. Which is okay - it doesn't do a thorough job even after two rounds. Not great but a good add-on to reduce the frequency of vacuuming - I don't have to do it as often but I still do so it's more of a supplement to my own...
2 Compared to previous iRobot mapping technology 3 Kitchens labeled with 90% accuracy, recognition of other rooms varies and may be lower 4 Feature only available for Roomba® i6, i7, i8 and Roomba® and Roomba Combo® j series models ...
Specifications: Vacuum Part Type: Brushes Suitable Models: For iRobot Roomba 500 600 700 800 900 Series, For iRobot Roomba E I J Series, E5, E6, E7, i1, i1+, i2, i3, i3+, i4, i4+, i5, i5+, Plus, i5152, i6, i6+, i7, i7+, i7 Plus, i8, i8+, Plus, j7, j7 Plus Qu...
海外主要竞争对手 iRobot 创新周期滞后,全能基站产品缺位。iRobot早在 2002年便推出扫地机产品,但近年来迭代周期晚于国内科沃斯石头等龙头品牌。早期 iRobot更侧重扫地及集尘需求,22年推出其首款扫拖一体(自带伸缩拖把臂)的扫地机产品 Roomba Combo j7+,23年新品 Roomba Combo j9+尽管对基站升级(新增补水功能),但仍...