The iRobot Roomba i1 is an entry-level model in iRobot's lineup of smart-pathing i-series robot vacuums. It's effectively a retailer-specific variant of the iRob...
iRobot Roomba i8+ SEARCHAmazon The iRobot Roomba i8+ is better than the iRobot Roomba i3. The i8+ has a longer overall battery life, delivers superior performance on bare floors as well as carpets, and does a better job of maneuvering itself. Compare Side-by-Side SEE OUR REVIEW iRobot ...
Roomba有600系列、800系列、e5、900系列、i系列、s系列、j系列。其中依旧可以再考虑入手的是S系列 Braava分为240、381、m6三个型号,可以考虑入手的是m6 iRobot官网已经下架了全部机型,iRobot新款Roomba j9、j7 combo等,国内也没有官方渠道售卖 1、Roomba i7+ i7+的配件 i7是全球首款带自动集尘座的机型,一度是i...
你也可以买iRobot Roomba s9+和Braava m6拖地机器人的组合Combo, 价格会更实惠一些。 但不是每个人都准备在机器人吸尘器上花这种钱,特别是如果你以前从未拥有过。如果您的购物预算有限,我们会推荐 iRobot Roomba 675。这款扫地机器人售价非常便宜,物超所值,虽然它没有 s9+ 的一些高级功能,但它是一款功能强大的吸...
The Roomba Combo® j7+ robot vacuum and mop senses carpet to fully retract its mop to the top of the robot – completely away from your carpets. Self-emptying with Clean Base® Automatic Dirt Disposal. Thoughtful intelligence with iRobot OS software. Ideal for powerful vacuuming and shiny ...
The Roomba Combo j5+ gets you an autonomous vacuum and mop, but not the most premium experience of either. Instead of dragging a dirty mopping rag around all the time, or putting it on top like the j9+, this unit needs to switch out dirt and water tanks for those individual tasks. Th...
9月11日,iRobot,一家在欧美地区较为流行的智能家居品牌,近日更新了其旗下的Roomba一体式扫拖机产品线,推出了一款名为Roomba j9+的新型号。这款扫拖机的售价为899美元(约合人民币6617元),而带扫拖机尘盒的套装售价为1399美元(约合人民币10297元)。 iRobot的首席执行官Colin Angle表示,这款新型号的扫拖机具有...
The Roomba j9+ understands more voice commands than any other robot. Pair it with Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant-enabled devices and simply say, “Tell Roomba Combo to clean the kitchen.” Watch it spring into action! Additional information Specification: iRobot Roomba j9+ Brand iRobot ...
4.7 高 物流履约: -- -- 售后服务: 4.0 低 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注对比 irobot Roomba Combo Essential Y0140 扫地机器人 扫拖一体自动充电WiFi连接智能语音控制 强大清洁 家庭母婴强力清洁 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 进口税 税费信息
【宅秘新闻】8月29日,宅秘从外媒了解到,iRobot推出两款新型扫地机器人:Roomba Combo j5 Plus和Roomba Combo i5 Plus,售价分别为799美元、549美元(折合人民币约5820元、4000元)。 左iRobot Roomba Combo i5 Plus;右iRobot Roomba Combo j5 Plus iRobot Roomba Combo j5 Plus采用iRobot最新的导航技术vSLAM,使其能够...