Train your brain with a learning library containing hours of free activities that support individual, one-to-one or even group participation. iRobot® Coding platform Pair your Root® coding robot with the iRobot® Coding platform using Bluetooth® technology to watch your code come to life...
I've been an owner of many robot vacs as well as from many different brands such as Neato, Shark & iRobot and the J9+ is to this point been a quantum leap. It's fun to watch as you see the learning process and how it avoids things like my dogs, power cords, furniture and other...
On the flip side, as iRobot adds more and more to the list of things a Roomba can do, Amazon could introduce subscriptions to take advantage of those premium features. It has "buying a Ring doorbell just to realize that you have to pay a separate monthly fee to watch any past recordings...