iPhone iPad 描述 一切盡在您掌握之中。 無論在何處,都能透過輕鬆易用的 iRobot Home 應用程式掌控清掃常規。精心設計的 iRobot Home 應用程式具備先進的地圖對應功能、清掃排程、個人化建議、產品健康狀況儀表板和直觀的智慧家庭整合功能,讓您擁有清掃工作的最終掌控權。* ...
iPhone-Screenshots Beschreibung iRobot,你的专属电动平衡车管家,它通过蓝牙连接你的平衡车,可以开灯、关灯,锁车、解锁,锁车后,如果有人去骑行,车辆不会提供动力。同时,还有助理推行模式,当与朋友在步行聊天时,可以开启助力模式,此时你只需要轻轻的拉着车辆就可以行走。
iPhone iPad Description TOTAL CONTROL AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. Take charge of your cleaning routine, no matter where you are, with the easy-to-use iRobot Home App. With advanced mapping capabilities, cleaning schedules, personalised recommendations, a product health dashboard and intuitive smart home inte...
APP说说iRobot Home这个APP使用,YYSY,个人觉得体验是相当好,我是iPhone版本,不管是UI设计,还是功能使用,都符合他们家品牌定位。当机器运行时,APP界面上的机器也会有实时动画,细节到位。点击一下,就可以切换i7+和m6的操作界面,可以看到电池电量,也会有需要加水等提醒。一般我喜欢先用i7+扫地机全屋清扫,再...
Finally, it must be noted that starting your Roomba with a Siri voice command always works flawlessly on your iPhone or iPad; however, it can be a little shaky if you try to enable this from your HomePod. It probably won’t come as a surprise to anyone using HomePod for home automation...
使用iRobot HOME 应用程序可以:... iRobot HOME主要具有监控等特色玩法……爱好玩iRobot HOME的你,不妨试试和iRobot HOME类似的app,新奇的玩法在等着你哦类似iRobot HOME的APP / 和iRobot HOME功能类似的APP腾讯手机管家分类:安全大小:246MB更新时间:2024-12-14央视影音...
Check out these uniquely awesome✔️ iPhone gadgets & gizmos The iRobot Home app lets you know when your home may need more frequent cleaning. It supports event-based automation, so your robots will know when to start or stop cleaning. The app can get info from your door lock and other...
ultimately to our home WiFi. From there, I was notified via the app that a firmware update was needed. Things got really slow there, and after I waited for over 15 minutes, I closed the app and later reopened it, and viola, things had been installed and the Roomba j9+ was in my ...
顶部的三颗按键分别是中间带有LED指示灯的CLEAN清洁&暂停按键以及左右两侧的HOME按键和局部清洁按钮。。。PS:除了CLEAN按钮外另外两个按钮趴趴没用到过,写稿才想起来查查是做什么的,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~iRobot Roomba i7+采用摄像头视觉导航定位为主,顶部雷达、前端碰撞、底部悬崖传感器辅助构成。。。通过3-4次...