iRobot® features the best robot vacuum and mop selections for cleaning your unique home. Shop and learn more about the best robot vacuum and mop products here.
iRobotother Roomba® i2, 400-600, e series, Roomba Combo® and Roomba® Vac Essential, j6, Braava® 200-300, or Braava jet® m6 robot Trade-In creditRoomba® 700-900, i1, i3, i4, i5, or i8 robots Trade-In CreditRoomba® i6 - i7, j5, j7, or j9 robots Trade-In Cr...
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irobot扫地机器人智能自动回充扫地机器人家用懒人扫地机批发 东莞福兆通电子有限公司 6年 回头率: 66.6% 广东 东莞市 ¥399.00 成交232台 家用懒人扫地拖地一体机器人智能扫地机器人irobot跨境批发 东莞福兆通电子有限公司 6年 回头率: 66.6% 广东 东莞市 ¥200.00 成交1110个 iRobot i7 i3 e5 智...
iRobot® features the best robot vacuum and mop selections for cleaning your unique home. Shop and learn more about the best robot vacuum and mop products here.
The iRobot Home App connects you to your Roomba®, Roomba Combo® or Braava jet® mop robots. The iRobot Home App provides enhanced maps, custom routines, seasonal suggestions, and intuitive smart home integrations*. *Feature availability varies by robot model. How do I connect the iRobot...
i7是全球首款带自动集尘座的机型,一度是iRobot在国内卖的最好的机型,不过随着时间推移,i7在国内也全网下架了。 2、Roomba s9+ 上市时间:2020年3月,适合土壕、大户型、地毯多、仅关心扫地的用户 s9+虽然几年前上市,但依旧是iRobot性能最强悍的机型,从一个侧面反映出iRobot更新之慢. ...