Using Webcam: LaunchIriun Webcam appin your phone StartIriun Webcam Serveron your desktop or laptop PC The phone is connected automatically to your PC using wireless WiFi network and the camera is ready to use. Configure the Windows application to useIriun Webcamas source for audio and video...
Iriun Webcam使用说明:1.在手机中启动Iriun网络摄像头应用程序2.在电脑上启动Iriun Webcam Server3.电脑和手机需要在同一WIFI下,或者,用USB数据线将手机和电脑相连4.配置Windows应用程序以使用Iriun Webcam作为音频和视频源Iriun Webcam也支持USB连接。连接数据线并按照手机上的说明操作,需要提前在手机端开启usb调试功...
Using Iriun Webcam: 1. Launch Iriun Webcam app on your iPhone 2. Start Iriun Webcam Server on your PC/Mac 3. The phone is connected automatically to your computer using wireless WiFi network and the camera is ready to use. 4. Configure PC/Mac applications to use Iriun Webcam as a vi...
Iriun Webcam使用说明 1.在手机中启动Iriun网络摄像头应用程序 2.在PC上启动Iriun Webcam Server 3.手机和PC可以连接到同一局域网,相机可以使用 4.配置Windows应用程序使用Iriun Webcam作为音频和视频源 Iriun Webcam还支持USB连接。按照手机上的说明连接数据线并操作,需要提前在手机上打开USB调试功能。
webcam" homepage "" livecheck do url :homepage regex(%r{href=.*?/IriunWebcam[._-]?v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\.pkg}i) end depends_on macos: ">= :monterey" pkg "IriunWebcam-#{version}.pkg" uninstall quit: [ "com.iriun.macwebcam", "
After starting the Iriun Webcam Server on your computer and the app on your phone, a wireless WiFi network connects the two devices. Your camera will be quickly prepared, boosting your video conferencing and live streaming delight. Flexible audio and visual settings are in demand in today's te...
Using Iriun Webcam: 1. Launch Iriun Webcam app on your iPhone 2. Start Iriun Webcam Server on your PC/Mac 3. The phone is connected automatically to your computer using wireless WiFi network and the camera is ready to use. 4. Configure PC/Mac applications to use Iriun Webcam as a vi...
Using Iriun Webcam: 1. Launch Iriun Webcam app on your iPhone 2. Start Iriun Webcam Server on your PC/Mac 3. The phone is connected automatically to your computer using wireless WiFi network and the camera is ready to use. 4. Configure PC/Mac applications to use Iriun Webcam as a vi...
Iriun Webcam使用说明:1.在手机中启动Iriun网络摄像头应用程序2.在电脑上启动Iriun Webcam Server3.电脑和手机需要在同一WIFI下,或者,用USB数据线将手机和电脑相连4.配置Windows应用程序以使用Iriun Webcam作为音频和视频源Iriun Webcam也支持USB连接。连接数据线并按照手机上的说明操作,需要提前在手机端开启usb调试...