iriun webcam电脑版是一款可以将电脑变成摄像头的摄像软件,有了它你可以回看很长时间以前电脑前经过的一切,超多不同的功能协助你的电脑变成只能摄像头随时随地开启拍摄旁边的一切,对摄像有需求的朋友可以来这里了解一下哦! 官方介绍 将手机摄像头用作PC或Mac中的无线网络摄像头。 安装适用于Windows、Mac或Linux的网...
Webcam Use your phone's camera as a wireless webcam in your PC or Mac. InstallWebcam for Windows, Mac or Linux, download Iriun Webcam app to your mobile phone and start using the phone with your favourite video applications. Webcam for Windowsv2.8.10Webcam for Mac v2.8.12MacOS 12.3 ...
提升自拍效果的经验分享 WINDOWS使用无线投屏功能的教程:BV1m5411V78S手机摄像头软件:iriun webcam。手机远程软件:airdroid 作为一名单刷党,总结了一些自拍的经验。聊天时看到很多萌新会有这方面疑惑,于是分享一下。这些方法不仅用于kiger,还可用于coser和直播。带着电脑出门也可用于室外拍摄。 #cosplay #自拍 #...
1.连接方式 Iriun webcam软件支持WIFI和USB两种连接方式。在安装和运行电脑端和手机端后,只要它们处于同一WIFI网络中,软件就会自动完成配对。为了确保连接的稳定性和速度,建议使用5G频段的WIFI进行连接。另外,USB连接方式也是一种选择。特别是对于Windows电脑和安卓手机用户,可以通过USB线进行连接。这种连接方式相对简单...
Free download Iriun Webcam 2.8.10 Latest version - Use your smartphone as a PC webcam.Free Download Iriun Webcam for Windows PC. It is a versatile software tool designed to transform your smartphone into a high-quality webcam for your PC. Whether video conferencing, streaming content, or en...
Iriun Webcam, free download for Windows. Mobile app that turns your smartphone into a webcam for your PC, with high-quality video and customizable settings.
I have the app connected from my iPad to my Windows PC. It works nicely if you’re just running the app on both computer and iPad. Problem is that on the computer the program window will be small and you can’t resize it. When I tried using it as a webcam for zoom and jamkazam...
Step-1:Go to theIRIUN website, and click on“Webcam for Windows”and install the application. Now, you’re ready for the next step, which involves installing the IRIUN Webcam application on your smartphone, or iPhone to connect the device to your PC through a cable or Wi-Fi. ...
1 mobile Iriun Webcam app 1 desktop Iriun Webcam app How to Install On the Windows PC, visit Click on “Webcam for Windows” to download the webcam installation file… I will leave the link in the description… ...
improvements. Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux are compatible with the Iriun Webcam. The device claims to be flexible and user-friendly for a wide range of computer systems. This is due to its wide interoperability with operating systems and software platforms. Webcams make time spent relaxing ...