Use your iPhone's camera as a wireless webcam in personal computer. Install needed drivers and enjoy iPhone's sharp image with your favourite PC and Mac video a…
Webcam Use your phone's camera as a wireless webcam in your PC or Mac. InstallWebcam for Windows, Mac or Linux, download Iriun Webcam app to your mobile phone and start using the phone with your favourite video applications. Webcam for Windowsv2.8.9Webcam for Mac v2.8.11MacOS 12.3 ...
在夜神模擬器上暢玩Iriun 4K Webcam for PC and Mac電腦版 下載電腦版 APK 遊戲詳情 更新日期:2022-12-21當前版本:2.7 將您的Android手機的相機用作PC或Mac中的無線網絡攝像頭。安裝所需的驅動程序,並將手機與Skype,MSN Messenger等視頻應用程序配合使用。它支持高達4K的分辨率。 (最大分辨率取決於手機)。
Iriun webcamMAC版是一个监控工具,可以将你旧手机的摄像头变为无线网络摄像头,你可以通过旧手机进行实时监控,所有画面将显示在你的MAC上,你可以随时了解家里的情况,确保家里老人小孩的安全,有需要的朋友快来下载Iriun webcamMAC版吧! Iriun webcam使用说明 1. 在您的手机中启动Iriun Webcam应用程序 2. 在您的...
iriun webcam for Mac是一款可以将电脑变成摄像头的摄像软件,它功能强大,可以为你展现更多优质内容,支持到4k的良心优质摄像软件,让你的电脑可以随时摄像、看摄像回放、连接手机即可开启影视互动等效果,整体来说还是非常不错的软件哦! 官方简介 将您的Android手机的相机用作PC或Mac中的无线网络摄像头。安装所需的驱动...
Using Iriun Webcam: 1. Launch Iriun Webcam app on your iPhone 2. Start Iriun Webcam Server on your PC/Mac 3. The phone is connected automatically to your computer using wireless WiFi network and the camera is ready to use. 4. Configure PC/Mac applications to use Iriun Webcam as a vi...
iOS App Store 应用: 所需硬件 与手机适配的 USB 数据线:如果本地网络速度足够快,也可以不使用数据线。不过我推荐你使用 USB 数据线,主要是理论上会更加的稳定。
To develop self-awareness and personal progress, one must assess their talents and abilities. This self-reflection helps people recognise their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to make wise choices and find fulfilment. Discover the Iriun Webcam for PC and Mac, a technical advancement that ...
Install Iriun Webcam desktop app. On the iPhone, go to the app store, search for Iriun Webcam… Get and Install Iriun Webcam mobile app. Ensure the iPhone and the Windows PC are on the same Wifi network...
4K Webcam for PC and Mac Iriun is a useful application that expands the users’ choices when it comes to using separate cameras in conjunction with a PC. This application plays a role in providing an additional camera tool when running messengers and alternative ways of communication like Skype...