Iriun Webcam是一款非常简洁好用的系统工具软件,软件使用非常简单,一目了然,它还支持各种设置,你可以根据需要设置,让你的效率翻倍。 Iriun WebcamAndroid版本下载,一款可以在几秒钟内将手机转换为PC摄像头的手机app,设置简单,功能齐全,只需简单的步骤就可以让手机秒变成摄像头,各种图像质量可供您选择,欢迎有需要的...
Download Iriun Webcam Pro APK Full and enjoy wirelessly using the camera on your Android smartphone as your desktop webcam. Enjoy fantastic 4K resolution when video calling!
但是本地局域网已经建立,再打开Iriun Webcam即可。
Turns a cell phone into a webcam using either Android or iOS app. Iriun Webcamis an ingenius little application that turns your phone's camera into a webcam that can be used as a video input for Windows without the need for special software. It supports video and audio streams. The ap...
在电脑中将手机摄像头用作无线网络摄像头可将Android手机的相机用作PC端的无线网络摄像头。将手机与PC对应应用程序配合使用。支持高达4K的分辨率。(最大分辨率取决于手机)。Iriun Webcam使用说明:1.在手机中启动Iriun网络摄像头应用程序2.在电脑上启动Iriun Webcam Server3.电脑和手机需要在同一WIFI下,或者,用USB数据...
iriun Webcam 官网Iriun 2、苹果iPhone手机 到苹果的APP store输入iriun下载 3、安卓手机 (1):谷歌的Google商店可以在线安装,请正确上网。 (2):下载APK文件,通过微信、钉钉、QQ等发送到手机上安装。站内下载地址: LriunWebCamerforandroid资源-CSDN文库 ...
Webcam for Ubuntu20.04 or later required VR Use your phone as a Virtual Reality display. Iriun VR makes it possible to play SteamVR games with low cost headsets. Install needed drivers and start playing your favourite SteamVR games.
Iriun 4K Webcam MOD APK is one of the best technical help for your device. Enjoy the vibrant tool crafted for android and pc users all for free in this modified version.
🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries - homebrew-cask/Casks/iriunwebcam.rb at 442efaf693567a00551a59b4b39de33002106433 · Homebrew/homebrew-cask
How to use Iriun Webcam with Zoom | Google Meet | Skype | Discord | OBS | Teams FAQ: How do you use Iriun? How do I connect my phone camera to my computer? How can I use my Android phone as a webcam Mac? How can I use my phone camera as a webcam for USB?