Irish Wolfhound For Sale: About the Breed Irish Wolfhound puppies are a unique, distinct breed known for being the tallest dogs in the world. They were actually developed over 1,000 years ago by monks who wanted a dog to hunt and kill wolves, elk, boar, and deer. Beyond the field and...
When selecting food for your puppy, you want to choose natural foods that are very low in calcium and have few to no added supplements. Raw diets or high-quality kibbles will be your best bet for your Irish wolfhound puppies. Unlike puppies, adult Irish wolfhounds are able to self-regulate...
(1999), "Mass screening of Irish wolfhound puppies for portosystemic shunts by the dynamic bile acid test", Vet Rec., 144, 693-696.Kerr MG, van Doorn T (1999) Mass screening of irish wolfhound puppies for portosystemic shunts by the dynamic bile acid test. Vet Rec 144: 693-6....