(Irish) Monday 7 June 2010 Time allowed Reading and planning: 15 minutes Writing: 3 hours This paper is divided into two sections: Section A – BOTH questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted Tax rates and allowances are on pages 2–8 ...
Who can then receive the equivalent tax free allowance as a child would? Is there any way to bequeath your estate as a single person with no children without the government getting such a large chunk? A: There is no facility to avail of the most generous Category A tax free threshol...
Any excess capital allowances can be carried forward indefinitely for set off against future profits; and There is no stamp duty on the transfer of certain IP assets; and An OECD-compliant IP box regime known as the Knowledge Development Box (KDB), which provides for an effective 6.25% rate...
Legal issues, social welfare entitlements, tax refunds Threads 2.8K Messages 13.9K 3 day week and new manager in the area does not want to work with me - advice needed. 30 Jan 2025 Clamball Welfare and state benefits Ask questions about Jobseekers Benefit and Allowance in theRedundancy and ...
Do emissions allowances allocated free to electricity generators have an opportunity cost? And if so, does a levy on the value of these allowances have an opportunity cost? In 2011, Ireland's electricity regulator raised these questions, and answered them "yes", "yes" and "no", directing ...
Review of allowances should look at other student groups as well as nurses – Siptu Initial review of allowances paid to student nurses to be finalised by end of the year By Martin WallThu Dec 31 2020 - 01:53 Taoiseach told of student nurses’ concerns as early as last summer Letter on...
Wed Oct 14 2009 - 01:00 Move on water tax 'could take years' A PERSONAL water allowance will underpin the new domestic water charge agreed by Fianna Fáil and the Green Party as part of the… Tue Oct 13 2009 - 01:00 1 … 88 89 90 … 150...
Illegal for landlord to discriminate on basis of being in receipt of rent allowance or HAP ByKitty HollandTue Mar 15 2016 - 01:00 Charities dismayed at modular housing delays Council publishes fresh tender for over 150 units in areas including Drimnagh, Finglas ...
So you will still get the benefit of a €50,000 means-test free limit on savings etc. Means-tested allowance And of course, being of such means-tested allowance makes you eligible for other supports, such as a medical card, free access to public transport and the housing assistance ...
He receives no State funding and claims that had he remained in Belfast he could have been entitled to up to €40,000 in annual grants, allowances and other supports including leave, sickness cover and, crucially for him, pension entitlements. Northern state subsidies for routine dental ...