Combat Shillelagh Irish Stick Fighting system. Modern Day Combatives utilizing the ancient Blackthorn Shillelagh. Ancient Weapon, Modern Times.
A hub for the music, culture, knowledge, and practice of Irish stick-fighting, past and present.
A hub for the music, culture, knowledge, and practice of Irish stick-fighting, past and present.
Categories: Irish History, Medicine, Science & Technology | Tags: Anatomy, Antwerp, Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery, Belgian Red Cross, Bournemouth, British Institute of Radiology, British Red Cross, Cancer, Cherbourg, Da Costa's Syndrome, Dermatitis, Doctor of Medicine, Dorset, Dublin, ...
在线看Bataireacht - Stil Ui Dhubhghaill - Doyle Clan.. 8分钟 32秒。22 9月 2013的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 469 — 已浏览。 8 — 已评价。
and thoughtfully kept a copy (or else. what most have been embarmssing. asked for it back so he could stick il in his'book). The letter sets forth all Ihe things Camcmn admires about the people he lives among. and whom he describes as "peasants" (they're going to love that in ...