英语中的缩写词"IRA",全称为"Irish Republican Army",中文译为“爱尔兰共和军”。这个缩写词在英语中具有较高的认知度,其拼音为ài ěr lán gòng hé jūn,流行度达到了660。IRA主要应用于国际事务的语境中,但具体分类并未详细说明,其在历史和政治领域的应用尤为显著。IRA在历史上的重要性体现...
英文缩写 ira 英文缩写ira 英文全称Irish Republican Army 中文解释爱尔兰共和军
英文缩写 ira 英文全称Irish Republican Army 中文解释爱尔兰共和军 缩写分类军事政治, CVT恒压变压器 G.B.大不列颠 GA总代理人 GCD最大公约数 GCF[数]最大公因子 GDPS通用磁盘程序设计系统 GE通用电气公司[美] GNI国民总收入 GSI超大规模集成电路 GTS地球同步技术卫星 ...
ira缩写是爱尔兰共和军的意思,ira全写Irish Republican Army。 ira缩写可能还有其它意思,请根据自身行业、属性核对选择ira正确的英文缩写及全写。 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:爱尔兰共和军 2.有道翻译:爱尔兰共和军获赞15次 声明:内容版权归作者所有,未经授权不得任意转载 本文标题和链接: ira-爱尔兰共和军的英文缩写-单...
Irish Republican Army(爱尔兰共和军)IrishRepulicanArmy MadebyCharles Background TheIrishRepublicanArmy(IRA)wasanIrishrepublicanrevolutionarymilitaryorganisation.ItwasdescendedfromtheIrishVolunteers,anorganisationestablishedon25November1913thatstagedtheEasterRisinginApril1916.In1919,theIrishRepublicthathadbeenproclaimed...
1939: The Irish Republican Army explodes three bombs in Piccadilly Circus. ON THIS DAY.. This historical work presents interviews, with 14 men of various Northern Divisions of the IRA, conducted in the 1940s and 1950s by Ernie OAEMalley, a military commander of the Irish Republican Army. The...
While there were many earlier nationalist groups in Ireland's history, the most direct predecessor of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was the Irish Volunteers. The Irish Volunteer Force was founded in November 1913 in Dublin in reaction to theformation of the militant Unionist Ulster Volunteer ...
Related to Irish Republican Army:Real Irish Republican Army,Sinn Fein,Michael Collins,Bloody Sunday n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a militant organization of Irish nationalists founded with the aim of striving for a united independent Ireland by means of guerrilla warfare. Abbreviation:IRA ...
The Irish Republican Army (IRA) is a political and terrorist organization that played a significant role in the establishment of the Irish Free State, engaging in campaigns of violence against the British in Ireland. AI generated definition based on: Introduction to Security (Tenth Edition), 2019...
IRA,Provisional IRA,Provisional Irish Republican Army,Provos act of terrorism,terrorism,terrorist act- the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or...