Irish Setter puppies for sale, known for their vibrant red coats and lively personalities, are elegant and athletic dogs with a sleek, aristocratic appearance. Whether you're an avid outdoors enthusiast or simply seeking a loyal, affectionate pet, Irish Setter puppies for sale are a breed that ...
Irish Setters have different nutritional needs as puppies and as adult dogs. In fact, giving your Irish orEnglish Setterthe right type of foodat the proper time can make all the difference in its health throughout its life. Irish Setter puppy food: Dry food is an excellent option for puppi...
Welcome to Clarendon Irish Setters — Show, Obedience, and Field Companions — PUPPY LINCOLN AT 13 mo WINS RESERVE AT THE IRISH SETTER CLUB OF AMERICA NATIONAL IN GEORGIA!
It is an 18thcenturydogand isnative to Ireland.Earlier name of this breed wasred dogbecause of its coat’s color. It is believed that the dog is a result of combining ofEnglish Setters, spaniels, pointers, and Gordon Setters.This breed has been gaining huge popularity among the masses be...
Bob and Evan Devlin with some of their red and white Irish setter puppies.DEREK NEAS