Increasing demand for outpatient psychiatric and psychological services from younger age groups has overwhelmed a chronically under-resourced system
Approximately two out of five patients attending the public mental health services in Waterford, and other similar services internationally, require specialist psychological therapy for PDs which addresses low levels of personal and family functioning and past history of child maltreatment.Keywords: ...
‘This isn’t working. We have to shout stop’: Inspector of mental health services says standards not being met Prof Jim Lucey says he is disappointed that ‘the highest level of noncompliance ever’ was found last year by the Mental Health Commission ...
Health services Answer to the rural general practice crisis? The health service is under serious pressure. Our Government struggles to cope with a jaw-dropping escalation of costs. A fairly recent visit to our local ED, where I found a multitude of doctors struggling to cope with the flow of...
Evidence that the Irish are grossly overrepresented as users of psychiatric services has been available for a number of years. In both the 1971 and 1981 Mental Health Enquiries (see Table 1; Cochrane, 1977; Cochrane & Bal, 1989) Irish people in Britain had the highest rates of mental hospita...
Aims To examine the average costs per patient of the experimental and control group services. Method An individual patient costing methodology that identified, measured and valued all public and private resources. Results The experimental group was more likely to remain in contact with services over ...
Visualising a safe space: the perspective of people using mental health day services By Bryant Wendy Tibbs Adrian Clark John Disability & Society, 卷 26, 期 5, 2011-08 ,页码 : 611-628 (18) Routledge Ltd 获取资源 推荐 收藏 Overcoming benefit barriers to work for people with mental he...
An Irishman in Spain: ‘Salaries are much lower here, but my mental health is far better’ Abroad newsletter: Irish in El Salvador - A ‘jaw-dropping’ adjustment My mum dangles the question like a golden carrot: ‘You’ll never guess who’s died’ ...
Lucena Clinic gets accreditation as first mental health service in Ireland officially declared autism-friendly
Mental health stigma and discrimination remain elevated among those with mental health disorders in Ireland and across the globe. People with mental disorders are still hiding in the dark and frequently kept away from the mainstream. Access to services is often limited and inconsistent. People with ...