immigrationgenderdiscourseidentity constructionexperienceoral historyFrom the late 1600s to the early 1800s, Irish migrants journeyed to Newfoundland to take advantage of opportunities in the lucrative Newfoundland cod fishery. Focusing on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this essay explores ...
“[Irish]Protestantimmigration[totheUS]didnotceaseintheeighteenth century,butweknowlittleornothingaboutthosewholeft[Ireland]after 1 1800.”Howdidthisextraordinaryandembarrassingstateof historiographycometobe? ThefirstexplanationisthathistoriansofIrishProtestantmigration– ...
Actually, Daddy said that wasn’t true at all. No one ever got up the hill to be thrown off because the Joyces rolled giant rocks down the mountain to discourage the assailants. The rocks must have worked. The Joyces are the only people who never took an oath of allegiance to an En...