The progressive achievement of social justice between people and the discouragement of discrimination of all kinds; The promotion of a friendly society where the quality of life is enriched by the standards of its education, its art, its culture and its recreational facilities, and where the quali...
Biggins. In 1993, the Supreme Court of the United States reviewed an age discrimination case involving Walter F. Biggins (Hazen Paper v. Biggins, 507 U.S. 604). Justice Sandra Day O'Connor delivered the unanimous opinion of the Court. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy filed a concurring opinion...
anti-Catholic discrimination: Catholics are barred from the Irish Parliament, most remaining Catholic-owned land is confiscated and given to English settlers, the Catholic clergy are persecuted and 12,000 Catholic Irishmen are sold into “indentured servitude” (a euphemism for slavery) to the ...
potato famine. They face all kinds of discrimination and were forced to take the worst types of jobs, but they never gave up and kept fighting for their freedom. The Irish were brave, courageous, and hardworking and made it possible for all Irish to live happy and free lives in America....
Most of the century's arrivals were Presbyterians from the northern province of Ulster who had originally been sent there from Scotland as colonists by the British crown. Many of these, dissenters from the established Protestant church, came to America fleeing religious discrimination. In later ...
Gypsies and Irish Travellers reported being illegally excluded from public drinking venues, while Slovakian Roma experienced less discrimination towards their ethnic group in the UK. Knowledge of the risks of alcohol dependence was high in all groups, but there was little awareness of the health ...
The barriers might deter camper-vans, alas: another example of discrimination against RV-users. The harbour has a toilet-and-shower block, a pump-out, two double-socket mains electricity pillars, lights and a supply of water, which latter is used by persons arriving by car with numbers of ...
To understand the present situation in Northern Ireland (Ulster) a basic knowledge of the island’s long and violent history is essential. The whole of Ireland was colonized by England in 1169 and from that time onwards there were constant uprisings. The situation worsened in the sixteenth centu...
with theRochdale Equitable Pioneers SocietyThe society created a set of organizational and working rules that have been widely adopted. They included open membership, democratic control, no religious or politicaldiscrimination, sales at prevailing market prices, and the setting aside of some earnings for...