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iris xe(i7 1165G7),Intel 10nm SF工艺(HP工艺库),96EU(896SP,1.3Ghz,LPDDR4X 4266),性能为25W MX450(896SP,1.575Ghz,2G GDDR5)的96%水平,功耗只有10~15W,说明intel gen12 GPU的单SP比nvidia Turing高至少16%,能效应该是Turing的2倍吧。而且初代gen12 GPU还有很多不完善的地方,不 分享105 魔兽世界吧...
Also, yes i made sure the mx330 was disabled when running the game, and i also amde sure to choose iris from the displaya dapters option in game. I always do make sure to disable the nvidia driver since performance has always been total garbage on it, iris has never had this big ...
相比Iris Graphics 550(28瓦GT3e),Iris Pro Graphics P580提供了更多的执行单元(72 vs. 48)和更大的eDRAM缓存(128 vs. 64MB)。 性能 Iris Pro Graphics P580的实际性能跟鱼内存配置和处理器型号(时钟频率)不同而有所不同。不过,它应该明显快于上代的Broadwell Iris Pro 6200,可以和GeForce 945M显卡相竞争。
Iris虚拟助手 4.6手机应用说明 Iris虚拟助手 4.6手机应用说明 网友评分: 7.6 应用简介:Android版的Siri,功能几乎一模一样,就是让Android用户也能体验到智能语音搜索的乐趣,连名字都与Siri反着来。开启之后想Iris提问,她会为你找到答案,哲学、历史、科学等等都不在话下。软件需要安装Google语音搜索和TTS语音...
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ki9XPua5SyAJbIxDdsssxevgGrbpBmmvoQmo/A0IodY= github.com/kataras/iris/v12 v12.1.2/go.mod h1:x8XU9FcsqdBvFyDA9brryw7Px8UZ8lquXwVaYKRzBBc= github.com/kataras/iris/v12 v12.1.4 h1:je7Q+Emsca5wh+2BzK5WKZCeaHkcQJRH4ZLWRYPB7Ew= github.com/kataras/iris/v12 v12.1.4/go.mod h1...
Intel Iris Xe MAX Graphics MX330 参数对比 | 性能对比 显卡型号核心架构制程工艺基础频率加速频率流处理内存类型内存频率内存位宽TDP功耗 Intel Iris Xe MAX GraphicsGeneration 12.110 nm300 MHz1650 MHz768LPDDR4X4.3 Gbps128 bit25W详细参数>> NVIDIA MX330Pascal14 nm1531 MHz1594 MHz384GDDR57 Gbps64 bit10W...
Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7NVIDIA GeForce MX330 Cores 96 384 Base / Max frequency 300 – 1250MHz 1531 – 1594 MHz Memory Shared memory 2GBGPU benchmarks In our GPU tests, the Iris Xe Graphics G7 was the better chip by far. We saw performance gains ranging from ...