We conducted a 2 (target iris color: blue vs. brown; within) × 2 (pupil size: constricted vs. dilated; within) × 2 (target sex: male vs. female; between) mixed ANOVA. As predicted, faces appeared more attractive with constricted pupils (M = 51.84, SD = 13.08) than with dilated ...
Because the midbrain receives a composite of retinal input, the pupils remain isocoric in the face of afferent visual dysfunction. For example, unilateral optic nerve section does not produce anisocoria; the pupil will not exhibit a direct light reaction, but will react consensually to light stimu...
音标:['aɪrɪs] 名词复数:irises词频:高频常用词 基本释义/说明:n.虹膜;鸢尾属植物 n. 虹膜, 鸢尾属植物, 彩虹之女神 图典解说 Colored central portion of the eyeball composed of muscles whose dilation or contraction controls th... 眼球中央有颜色的部分,由肌肉组成,其扩张或收缩控制瞳孔的张开。
The mean ACD in patients with plateau iris syndrome (n = 181) was significantly smaller than the hypothesized normal ACD (2.04 ± 0.30 mm vs 3.0 mm, P = .0001). The mean ACD in patients with pupillary block (n = 137) was also significantly smaller than the hypothesized normal ACD (...
Our results show that our methodology is more robust when we compare iris samples with different levels of pupil sizes (dilated vs contracted). Besides this, our descriptor performs better than all the compared methods, primarily if one iris with a contracted pupil is used for searching another ...
In venous obstruction pupillary and extrapupillary vessels leak both in recent and in long-standing cases, whereas in arterial occlusions extrapupillary leakage occurs exclusively in recent cases. Comparatively, the 2 cases of stagnation thrombosis appear to show an exaggerated arterial type of ...
(in comparison with a conventional spherical surface). As expected, the high-order aberrations also decreased in the customized design by reducing the pupil size to 6-mm with the artificial iris (× 3.7-RMS of high-order aberrations and × 17-spherical aberration, when compared 8-mm vs....
The iris sphincter muscle is a ring of smooth muscle fibers located in the center of the iris, which controls the size of the pupil. It is regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system and various other neural and humoral systems.
NVidia Geforce Pupil™ GPUI think "Iris" is just a codename. The public wont see it. Posted on May 2nd 2013, 17:28 #6 dj-electric The DeclaimerFunny because that's my girlfriend's name. :DYou think that's funny? How f**ked up is the idea of the name Iris when you have...
Examples of undesirable conditions are visible light imaging with weak pupillary boundaries, on-the-move near infrared acquisition with typical motion blur, out-of-focus images, or images with weak limbic contrast. As an alternative to the development of better individual segmentation algorithms, iris...