Also, planting density should be taken into consideration (de Klein and van der Werf, 2014). The relationships between GHGs emissions in CWs and occurrence and diversity of hydrophytes are still not uniformly conclusive. Few studies have been conducted on the simultaneous determination of three ...
assistant: @IrisZuidema Director of photography: @VictorHorstink Photography: @valentine.bouquet Special thanks to Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode @fhcm Davy Hezemans & Joanna van der Werf I @SpicePR @Zuiderling.Agency I Roy Schellekens Nina van het Spijker & Robert ...
van der Werf等[30]对生长于不同碳源条件下的恶臭假单胞菌代谢组进行了全面分析,应用PCA鉴别特殊代谢产物,发现其在生长于不同碳源条件下的细胞中的含量明显不同。 由于代谢组学分析技术和操作条件的多样化,致使大量的数据缺乏规范性,从而造成代谢组学数据的采集、存储、查询、比较和共享等的诸多不便。现今,已有一些...
Davy Hezemans & Joanna van der Werf | Spice PR Zuiderling Agency | Roy Schellekens Nina van het Spijker & Robert Lee | Conservatorium Hotel Janey van Ierland | nummer19 Management SENSORY SEAS Show Show credits: Press: Alexandre Malgouyres | KCD Paris Styling: Patti Wilson Special thanks to...