no code implementations•24 Jun 2016•Iris van de Pol,Iris van Rooij,Jakub Szymanik In this paper we introduce a computational-level model of theory of mind (ToM) based on dynamic epistemic logic (DEL), and we analyze its computational complexity. ...
Coventry L, De Angeli A, Johnson G (2003) Usability and biometric verification at the ATM interface. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, pp 153–160 Cunningham MS (1967) The major dimensions of perceived risk. In: Cox D (ed) Risk taking and in...
Also, planting density should be taken into consideration (de Klein and van der Werf, 2014). The relationships between GHGs emissions in CWs and occurrence and diversity of hydrophytes are still not uniformly conclusive. Few studies have been conducted on the simultaneous determination of three ...
van cleef arpelsvincent van goghvan cleef and arpelsirisvan大vanEllis van Jasoniris0kevin lee iris z赵洋irisvan cleefcas van de pol婚礼van远程超级vancg动画vandries van noteiris apfel超级vaniris宣传片van宣传片 新片场汇聚全球原创优质视频及创作人,提供4K、无广告、无水印视频观看,专业的视频艺术学习教程...
Abstract Many studies have investigated the toxic effects of microplastics (MPs) ingested by aquatic animals, but the effects of MPs that adhere to the roots of macrophytes require further exploration. Thus, the present study investigated the dose-dependent toxic effects of adding 10–500 mg/kg...
Light design: Pol van Veen & Stefan Prokop | Jurlights Frontstage photography: Team Peter Stigter Backstage photography: Molly SJ Lowe Video registration: Fabrice Daville | Premices Thanks to: Swarovski Fédération française de la Couture ...
—Protologue citation: “Habitat in humidis salsis prov. Elisabethpol, distr. Areschensis prope Nametabad-nour; in provincia Erivan, distr. Nachiczevan in salsis humidis prope stationem Davalu [Ararat]”.—Lectotype (designated by Fedtschenko [49] (p. 527), as “type”): [Armenia, ...
eInshFoigwuraen6e,xwame pshleowof athne aebxilaitmypolfeaonf LthBePadbeilsictyripoftoarntoLBrePpdreessecnritpsteovretroalrempircersoe-ntetxsteuvreerfaelamtuicreros-stuexcthuares bfelaotbu,rceosrsnuecr,haansdbelodbg,e. Acsorwneere, xapnldaiendegde.aAt sthweebeexgpinlanininegd oatf tthhe...
TNoNhamvoedfaeilrs cpoumblpiaclryisaovnasiblayboleththerroreusgehar[c3h3e].rsF,iwguerhea1v2esmhoawdes othueretxraaimnpedlesCoNf Ntraminoeddeflisltperusbolifc1lyst acvoanivlaobluletitohnraolulagyhe[r3o3f].TFaibgleur2ein12cassheoowf stwthoe-feoxldamcrpolsessvoaflitdraaitnioend. filters of ...