best rendering optimization mod in existence by a large margin. ShadersMod was never updated past 1.12, and it lacks support for many of the many modern popular shader packs. So I created Iris, to try and solve these issues, and also address many other longstanding issues with shader packs...
ReleaseR Dec 27, 2024 2.49 MB 132.3K 1.21.4 NeoForge File Name iris-neoforge-1.8.5+mc1.21.4.jar Supported Versions 1.21.4 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects NeoForge implementation "curse.maven:irisshaders-455508:6026032" Copy to cli...
A modern shaders mod for Minecraft compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs - Iris/neoforge/build.gradle.kts at cf21e62fa60e5a9b8c78b447859db10e868b4458 · IrisShaders/Iris
Minecraft Forge vs Iris Shaders popularity comparison 563 ⭐️ 3.58 BestRated ⭐️ 3.83 1K 94 MostFavorite 981 900M MostDownloaded 14.1M #4 7 DaysTrending #1 #4 31 DaysTrending #1 #4 YearlyTrending #1 #3 All TimeTrending #6
Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:irisshaders-455508:5957825" Copy to clipboard Quilt modImplementation "curse.maven:irisshaders-455508:5957825" Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disabled 3rd party sharing Learn more about Curse Maven ...
A modern shaders mod for Minecraft compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs - Iris/settings.gradle.kts at multiloader-new · IrisShaders/Iris
With new functionality like translucency sorting, support for NeoForge and the Fabric Rendering API, and better mod compatibility, this 1.21.x release has all you could wish for. Shaders now have better mod support and slightly better performance, with improved visuals thanks to updates in Sodium...
I have this same issue on Forge 1.19.2 with all of the shaders I have tried already. The Flywheel rendering mode is Instancing, which worked for a large room with many waterwheels and other Create objects which were in motion, but as soon as I got on my elevator which was an actual...
Visit the shaders section to find shader packs! Visit our Discord server to chat about the mod and get support! It's also a great place to get development updates right as they're happening. Visit the developer documentation for information on developing, building, and contributing to Iris!
Just adding physics-mod-2.9.7-mc-1.18.2-forge.jar to .minecraft\mods does not seem to do anything. PS: The site, while gorgeous, doesn't really explain to newbies what it is. Is it a mod loader? Is it a mod? Is it a shader loader? There is also no "Getting ...