fleur-de-lis,iris,sword lily,flag- plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals Florentine iris,Iris florentina,Iris germanica florentina,orris- German iris having large white flowers with lavender-tinged falls and...
Download this free photo of Nature Plants Dwarf Iris from Pixabay's vast library of royalty-free stock images, videos and music.
Download this free photo of Netted Iris Flowers Plants from Pixabay's vast library of royalty-free stock images, videos and music.
He teases apart rooted clumps of plants like Japanese iris and agapanthus; he pulls or cuts apart others. Lush and low cost Many irises love soggy conditions and two that will not fail you are the Japanese iris (Iris ensata), of which there are many exotic hybrids, and I. Gardening Peop...
2.Any of numerous widely cultivated plants of the genusIris,having narrow sword-shaped leaves and showy, variously colored flowers. 3.A rainbow or rainbowlike display of colors. 4.An iris diaphragm. [Middle English,iris (the plant), from Latinīris, īrid-,rainbow, iris (the plant), from...
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Clipart library offers about 42 high-quality Iris Cliparts for free! Download Iris Cliparts and use any clip art,coloring,png graphics in your website, document or presentation.
In the early spring, remove winter mulch and old foliage to allow for fresh growth. Fertilize in early spring, scratching an all-purpose fertilizer around the plants. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers. Reblooming irises perform best if fertilized again after the first wave of flowering is finished....
This forum is for the discussion of irises, plants of the genus Iris and, more generally, plants of the family Iridaceae. Instructions on using the forum are provided below.
a genus of plants of the family Iridaceae. They are perennial rhizomatous herbs with sword-shaped or linear leaves. The flowers are large, with a brightly colored corolliform perianth; the ovary is three-celled and inferior; and the fruit is a trihedral, many-seeded pod. There are about...