Progressively increasing concentrations indicate progressive kidney damage / disease. 对抗高血压治疗的监测: 高血压猫通常需要终身治疗,可能需要调整治疗方案。定期监测至关重要。在病情稳定后,至少每三个月监测一次。收缩压<120 mm Hg 或出现虚弱或心动过速等临床症状表明出现低血压,应避免出现这种情况。血肌酐浓度...
摘自网页 中英文翻译 本人非兽医,阅读一遍试着翻了一下,主要是为自己21岁老猫 做治疗的借鉴,但IRIS官网下面说是此文不保证完全准确。 Stage 2 二期肾衰竭 Stage 2 Feline patients: 猫 患者 All of the above listed for Stage 1 (listed here again for convenience) plus any addit...
猫肾病分期表IRIS Staging 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: Staging System for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)STEP 1. Staging is initially based on fasting plasma creatinine assessed on at least two occasions in the stable patient. Plasma creatinine concentrations apply to average size dogs - those of extreme...
2 0 0 7 0 0 0 2 - 0 1 IRISA4Cardsv493193/1/0716:18Page1 StagingSystemforChronicKidneyDisease(CKD) STEP1.Stagingisinitiallybasedonfastingplasmacreatinineassessedonatleasttwooccasionsinthestablepatient. InternationalRenalInterestSociety OldTerminology** Normalrenalfunction Earlyrenaldisease: Nobiochemical...
The International Renal Interest Society(IRIS)建立于1998年,成立初期目标是建立一个犬猫慢性肾病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)的分级系统,以方便兽医群体对这一复杂疾病的诊断与管理方法进行交流。目前IRIS有来自10个国家的14位理事会成员...