只需运行安装程序,选择你的游戏版本,然后点击安装即可。 官网下载:http://www.irisshaders.dev/ 本站下载: 点击下载1点击下载2 其他下载 MCMOD百科:https://www.mcmod.cn/class/3697.html CurseForge下载:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/irisshaders/files Modrinth下载:https://modrinth.com/m...
If you want to use shader packs in Minecraft, it used to be that Optifine was the only loader available. The author behind Iris Shaders took issue with this and created their own shaders loader. Because the license for Optifine is so strict, content creators can’t modify it too much,...
Iris Shaders Mod由作者“coderbot”所制作。 Iris Shaders是一个旨在与现有的ShadersMod/Optifine光影兼容的Fabric渲染模组。 Iris Shaders使用mixin,致力于兼容来自ShadersMod/高清修复的光影,是Fabric下OptiFabric+Optifine光影解决方案的有效替代。 您可以从官网获取安装器,该安装器已经包含了兼容的钠/Sodium。为了...
free, I wish to expand the horizons of what's possible to do with Minecraft shader packs through the addition of new features to the shader pipeline. Unlimited color buffers, direct voxel data access, and fancy debug HUDs are some examples of features that I'd like to add in the future...
A modern shader pack loader for Minecraft intended to be compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs - Download the Minecraft Mod Iris Shaders by coderbot on Modrinth
Iris Installer 2.0.3 10 Nov 18:59 IMS212 2.0.3 4e64b50 Compare Iris Installer 2.0.3 This release allows you to have multiple versions of Iris for different Minecraft versions. Assets 4 Loading Iris Installer 2.0.210 Nov 03:52 IMS212 2.0.2 9947fef Compare ...
当MC Java版的..关注这个东西有一段时间了,前几天发布了第一个正式版,贴吧上没看到人说,顺手发一下Iris是著名优化mod,sodium的光影扩展,支持optifine光影虽然sodium本身有可能在计划一个光影引擎(
Iris 1.7.2 for Minecraft 1.20.4 ByIMS21 ReleaseR Jun 29, 2024 2.58 MB 211.4K 1.20.4+1 Quilt Fabric + 1 File Name iris-1.7.2+mc1.20.4.jar Supported Versions 1.20.4 1.20.3 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementati...
利用基于fabric的sodium和iris shaders模组,使得Minecraft在加装光影包后的FPS得到极大的提升,帧率在10~20帧之间浮动,一般在14帧左右(下界会高一点),有时候会有一些掉帧的情况。虽然帧率不算高,但是对于我这枚不到200块钱的二手CPU附带的核显来说(任务管理器显示GPU已经满负荷了),算得上是非常优秀的效果了。
Iris Shaders Minecraft Forge vs Iris Shaders popularity comparison 563 ⭐️ 3.58 BestRated ⭐️ 3.83 1K 94 MostFavorite 981 900M MostDownloaded 14.1M #4 7 DaysTrending #1 #4 31 DaysTrending #1 #4 YearlyTrending #1 #3 All TimeTrending ...