利用基于fabric的sodium和iris shaders模组,使得Minecraft在加装光影包后的FPS得到极大的提升,帧率在10~20帧之间浮动,一般在14帧左右(下界会高一点),有时候会有一些掉帧的情况。虽然帧率不算高,但是对于我这枚不到200块钱的二手CPU附带的核显来说(任务管理器显示GPU已经满负荷了),算得上是非常优秀的效果了。
您可以从官网获取安装器,该安装器已经包含了兼容的钠/Sodium。为了便于下载,从模组发布网站上下载的Iris已经包含钠,无需自行下载。如果同时安装两者会导致游戏崩溃。 Iris Shaders的目标是使Fabric兼容光影,而不是成为Optifine在Fabric下的替代品,Canvas Renderer才是Fabric下渲染引擎的未来。
[14:03:48] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'iris.refmap.json' for mixins.iris.compat.sodium.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message[14:03:48] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'iris.refmap.json' for mixins.iris.fixes.maxfpscrash.json could ...
Sodium is a free and open-source rendering optimization mod for Minecraft 1.16+ which greatly improves frame rates and stuttering while fixing many graphical issues. While Iris is an open source shaders mod. Both rather well-known for Minecraft fans. What's going on? Well, according to the ...
Welcome to the IrisShaders GitHub page! What is IrisShaders? IrisShaders is the organisation behindIris, the OptiFine shaders alternative, which works withSodiumto provide incredible performance. On top of this, it's also home to other projects, developed by members of The Iris Project. ...
I first and foremost develop Iris to meet my own needs of a performance-oriented shaders mod with good compatibility and potential for tinkering. Iris when paired with Sodium delivers great performance on my machine, finally making it fully possible for me to actually play with shaders instead ...
but it’s less noticeable when using these two tools together. Compared to the vanilla version of the game, which only addedbasic support for shaderswith the release of 1.17, Iris and Sodium allow for excellent framerates. No chugging or slowdown with moderate shaders, though using the high...
One of the biggest releases ever, Iris 1.8 and Sodium 0.6 are now out of beta. With new functionality like translucency sorting, support for NeoForge and the Fabric Rendering API, and better mod compatibility, this 1.21.x release has all you could wish for. Shaders now have better mod sup...
Iris Shaders Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft is basically a performance multiplying tool that improves the visual quality of the game. Firstly, it is more focused on improving the gaming experience and making them more real through lighting and shadows. Similarly, the quality co-relates wit...
光影测试(pojavluncher+fabric+sodium+Iris)版本1.18.2 seusv10.2光影+生存前期 minecraft1.16版本英伟达光影展示 Brixel 3.0 64x - unpack乐高材质包,中间有光影测试,太卡了录屏断了好几次,最后实在不行改分辨率 Minecraft光影(孤独感) Sildurs Vibrant Shaders v1.29 Extreme(MinecraftJE新光影和旧光影的合集...